DWI DUI - Know Your Rights
A DWI DUI attorney will inform you of your rights if you are charged of either offense. The attorney will help differentiate between the two charges and fight for you to get a lesser charge.
DWI DUI attorneys can assist you if you are arrested. Driving While Impaired means that you are driving a vehicle when while you are too impaired to drive. A charge of Driving Under the Influence means that you are driving while being influenced by drugs or alcohol. The terms literally mean the same thing,
but state penalties may vary for the charges. In some areas, the blood level associated with Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Intoxicated are different, and the penalties between the two differ. The states may also apply one term for being under the influence of alcohol and the other term for drugs.
A DWI DUI attorney can help you differentiate between the two terms and how the charges are enforced in your state. If you can get a lesser charge for either of the charges, an attorney can aid you in trying to obtain the lesser charge. The attorney can explain the penalties for each charge and how they can impact your record or your freedom.
Because some states may use the terms interchangeably without differences between the penalties, the attorney can inform you of your options. These states may have a zero tolerance policy, and you may receive a specific tough penalty for driving after you have been drinking or taking drugs. This action has been taken by several states to reduce the number of drug and alcohol related deaths and serious accidents from occurring on roads and highways.
When you are driving, a police officer will ask you to pull over if you are swerving or exhibiting other behaviors that will make her suspect that you are driving while impaired. After you pull onto the side of the road or highway, the officer will observer your behavior and listen to your speech. In some cases, the officer can clearly smell alcohol in the vicinity. The officer may ask you to complete a field sobriety test and take a breath test. You may be asked to walk and turn, stand on a single leg, complete various balance tests, and touch a finger to a nose. Many of the tests, test your ability to stabilize yourself, estimate, follow instructions, or determine if you are trembling uncontrollably. A DWI DUI attorney can help you deal with the aftereffects of taking field sobriety tests.
Some police officers will ask you to take a breath test, but you can refuse. An attorney may ask you if the officer told you that you have the right to refuse the test. In any case, the attorney is best equipped to handle the impact that the breath test may have on your case. Be sure to tell a DWI DUI attorney exactly what occurred after you were pulled over by the police when you were charged with an offense.
You may think that you will automatically spend time in jail after being charged with Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Intoxicated. The attorney can fight for other alternatives to jail time. For example, you can be put under house arrest, allowing you to stay in your home while being monitored with an electronic device.