Finding a Lawyer to Help You Through Every Stage of Your Case
The attorney you hire will be by your side for every step of your case. Here we look at the anatomy of one of these cases.
A DUI charge is something that necessitates the services of a qualified lawyer. Like all other types of criminal cases DUI cases have their share of complexities and there are a series of stages that you must make your way through before your case can be brought to a close.
A DUI case starts out with an arrest and progresses from one stage to another. It could end with a penalty. This is something that your lawyer can appeal. The attorney you hire to represent you will be with you every step of the way and will keep you informed about what to expect at every juncture. With the right legal counsel you will be able to cope with all that awaits you. You will also be able to do so with less anxiety and fear. Besides your arrest,

there are also bookings and bail to deal with, as well as an arraignment, preliminary hearings and the pre-trial motions. After those steps, there is also the trial to cope with, the sentencing, and if need be, appeals made by your lawyer.
Anatomy of a DUI Case
The attorney of your choosing can explain every detail to you. The DUI arrest is the very start of it all. You can be pulled over by a police officer at a routine traffic stop and from there it is discovered that you have been drinking or driving. In other cases you may be driving erratically or too fast and a cop may pull you over. Any evidence found at the scene, such as open liquor in your vehicle, can play a role in your arrest. You should not procrastinate in consulting with a lawyer after you have been arrested.
The next stage will be your booking and the application for bail. You will be processed at the police station and may be remanded to a detention facility. Your lawyer will do what is necessary to apply for bail for you.
The next step in the process is the arraignment. You will attend the arraignment with your DUI attorney. As the defendant in the case, you will be read the charges that have been brought against you and then it will be time for you to enter your plea.
Plea bargains are not commonly negotiated when it comes to a DUI case. However there are times when a plea bargain for a lighter sentence is offered if the defendant is willing to plead guilty. This is something that your counsel and the prosecutor must discuss together and then with you.
Pre-trial motions come next, then the trial, and the sentencing if you are found guilty of the charges. If you are convicted of a DUI then your lawyer can ask a higher court to review your case to look for any possible errors that were made.