Your training contract application form is your primary personal marketing tool and is often the first contact you will have with decision makers at the firm. Your aim is to provide a comprehensive summary of your career and education that is concise, easy to read, attractive and appropriate to the firm. Spend time getting your application just right as it may be your first and only chance to impress the firm.
Filling your training contract application properly is key in your marketing strategy and is most likely the first thing that will draw the executive's attention.
Deadlines are meant to be met.
You have to be in it to win it, and it only makes sense to give yourself as many opportunities as possible. Before doing anything else, It is important that you should first get all the dates for submissions for each of the firms that you are going to be making a submission. Form an easier life by organizing all the details into a format that is simple to admit and understand. A time line is very helpful to estimate and organize each submission deadline so that you know how much time to complete each on them on time.
Don't make spelling and grammar an issue
With a large amount of submission that are being scrutinized by firms these days, online submission has become the method of choice for many. While the convenience of online submission systems has a lot of clear benefits, it has also been the cause and source of mistakes for applicants. One of these is mistakes in basic spelling and grammar, more likely to be caused by carelessness than anything else. Even if you are typing directly into the recruiter's website, it is not much trouble to copy and paste into Word for some assurance that you haven't made any basic errors that will detract from the worth of your application. Simple and easy to do, and well worth the extra effort.
Give yourself sufficient time to prepare
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. As the saying indicates, you should really be prepared for all possibilities, especially when it comes to something as important as your training contract submission. There are enough stories about submission systems breaking down, or being overloaded with traffic in the dying minutes to make any applicants nervous. From the perspective of the firm, an early and well-prepared submission still has an advantage than a last-minute but well-prepared submission. Make sure that the quality of your submission matches your ability by having plenty of time up your sleeve.
Proofreading can make all the difference
Proofread as many times as possible to help eliminate unnecessary mistakes on your application. Careful check on a document, to make sure certain corrections have been made, and it always involves finding spelling, grammar and formatting errors. Do this, and you will find a vast improvement, as well as a greater polish on your work. It is more convenient If you know someone that may assist you to get this application. By putting yourself in the shoes of others can be very useful in determining those errors you missed, or gathering some ideas that are unclear to others.
Make your application easy on the eyes
What better way to demonstrate to the recruiters that you have all the skills and ability for the job by making your application stand out. With so many applications that they must go through in a short amount of time, being able to communicate ideas in a clear and concise manner will make any reviewer of your application sit up and take notice. Don't introduce informal language into your application, because the online submission process is still treated as a formal piece of document. Give your potential employers some idea about your personality with the way you write and communicate your ideas. Avoid long sentences that may obscure the ideas you are trying to set forth.
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