Helping Your Attorney Can Strengthen Your Case
If you want the best chances of winning your case, you should assist your attorney when possible. This will help you get good results quickly.
If you think you have a good case,
you will probably need an attorney to get the best chances of winning. However, using the assistance of a lawyer does not mean that you cannot put forth some effort, especially if you want the case to move faster. Consider some things you can do to let your legal representative help you.
Before you even consider whether you have a strong lawsuit on your hands, you should think about the facts that may support you. If you have any receipts that can help you prove your point, collect them and put them in a folder. Consider organizing them, as well as other supporting documents, in order of the dates. If your evidence is on your computer, phone, or camera, print it all out and place it in a folder. For example, get photos printed out on photo paper for the best quality, and print out emails or communication from social media sites, if you think it will assist you. Be ready to explain to your attorney how your evidence will assist you, either as a whole or each document individually.
If you have witnesses, create a list of them, complete with any contact information you might have. You should wait to talk to your attorney before you contact any of them, as he might have some tips for you to encourage them to aid you. However, having a list of them ready to go can save time for your lawyer when preparing for the case. This way, he can start contacting them if it is determined that they will help your chances of winning. If it turns out that your witnesses would not assist in your odds of winning, it is best to just avoid contacting them, which is why this part is best left for after your meeting with your lawyer.
Finally, you should be sure to stay in contact with your attorney, even if you both have busy schedules. You may not always be able to meet in person, but you should be able to communicate through email or phone regularly. You deserve to be constantly updated on your case, even if your lawyer is busy. By the same token, you should keep the legal professional up-to-date on anything new in your lawsuit, such as when you have discovered new evidence or remembered a possible witness. Open communication is one of the best ways to ensure that you and your lawyer are on the same page so that there are no surprises as the lawsuit progresses. This can increase your chance of success.
If you plan to use an attorney for your lawsuit, know that you can assist him nearly as much as he can help you. Saving time and trouble for your legal expert can get you better results faster, as most lawyers do not have a lot of extra time to do the legwork that you could likely do much quicker. Therefore, it makes sense to assist your chosen legal professional in these ways.