Hiring a business lawyer before your small business runs into legal problems will go a long way to bring peace of mind. Discusses a few of the major issues to plan ahead for in order to avoid legal problems.
Do you own a small business? If so,

good for you! But, by now, you have probably run into some sticky issues which may have required the attention of a good business lawyer. Being a small company owner can bring with it some mighty big headaches but with the right kind of expert help, those headaches can subside quickly.
Owners of small companies often run into situations their larger corporate owners don't. Partly because corporate issues can be handled with greater ease since the owner has an attorney working for them from the get go. Many issues are prevented before they even take root. But you, Mr. Small Business Owner, probably may only seek to hire an attorney if you get into trouble. Many times, by then, it's too late and could even cost you everything.
The good news is, that with a little education, you can successfully hire an attorney to help you sort out and solve your problems. Smart planning, when starting a company, doesn't just involve who you will hire or how you will market your product. It also involves a plan to prevent legal problems from ever happening, or if they do, to keep the damage to a minimum.
Here are some potholes a small business may run across on the road of life.
1.Lawsuits. Due to our less-than-perfect economy, people are hurting financially. Unfortunately, you may have to sack someone, not because they're not a good employee, but simply because you can't afford them. With this said, you can be sure some unscrupulous former employees may try to blame you in some way for their dismissal. They may say they were wrongfully terminated or discriminated against motivating them to file a suit against you even if either of these weren't the case for their dismissal.
2.Theft of wages. This is another popular tactic by employees. The safe way to avoid this lawsuit is to have an audit performed of your employee payroll to make sure no theft of wages is occurring.
3.Audits of immigrants. Answer? In order to ensure company success and growth, run like the plague from hiring illegal aliens! You'll avoid any crack down on your company by the government through the penalties of fines or criminal charges. A business lawyer will be able to check on your government forms to make sure you're complying with immigration laws.
4.Insurance. Ah, here's a crucial one. You don't want to be over-insured and pay more than you need to and if you're under-insured, your company could be in danger. Again, a business lawyer can give super direction and advice on just the right amount of insurance you need to protect your company.
It's more common than not for a small business owner to lack knowledge in legal issues and corporate law - at least not until they actually get into trouble. Avoid this sad scenario by hiring a business lawyer today.