How a Drug Defense Lawyer Can Keep You Out Of Jail
Being caught with a possession charge is not a lot of fun. Unless you have absolutely no money with which to hire a drug defense lawyer, don't let yourself become a victim of self-defense in the court.
Being caught with a possession charge is not a lot of fun. Unfortunately,

many such individuals plead out almost immediately and are then put at the mercy of the court system. Unless you have absolutely no money with which to hire a drug defense lawyer, don't let yourself become one of these individuals. A good attorney can do a number of things to help protect your freedom. Is hiring an attorney a guarantee that you won't do time? Of course not. But if you keep silent and wait until you hire such an attorney to begin making your case, you stand a far better chance of success.
If you choose to hire a drug defense lawyer, you can benefit from their knowledge of the court system in your area. Every judge and prosecutor handles their cases in a particular way. A good attorney will know them inside and out. They will have the expertise that let's them match their style of defense to the style of offense they expect to see. It's really not much different than a great baseball player tailoring their hitting style to a particular pitcher. But without that expertise, you'll have no way of making the appropriate adjustments.
A good drug defense lawyer will look very carefully at what the police have done in your case. It's not uncommon for police to overstep their boundaries when arresting people for possession. You may have no way of knowing that your rights have been trampled, but a good attorney will know instantly that something is amiss. Sometimes entire cases can be thrown out if it is shown that evidence was improperly seized or an arrest was improperly made. If you can present this information to a judge, the prosecutor might not be able to move forward with their case against you.
Another common aspect of a case involving drugs is the police determination of whether or not you had intention to distribute or sell. Intent to sell can add a great deal of severity to the charges. What happens in many cases, however, is that the police make ridiculously out of touch determinations when it comes to what constitutes an intent to sell. A good drug defense lawyer can attack these determinations. If you can get your charges dropped to simple possession, you will almost certainly face far fewer penalties. Not to mention the fact that if any weaknesses can be exposed in the state's case, it will cause a jury to regard the case as a whole with suspicion.