When gathering information at the scene of a car crash, be thorough in your description. Also get names and numbers of witnesses in case you need to provide this information to an auto accident attorney for further investigation into your case.
No one wants to be in a fender-bender or more serious car crash,
but unfortunately these types of things happen every day. Each car owner should know the basic procedure to follow in case of an accident, and for serious situations, an auto accident attorney may need to be called to resolve legal issues caused by the crash.
So, What Do You Do If You Are Involved In A Car Crash?
Immediately after the incident occurs, you'll want to turn on your emergency flashers so other cars know that you're unable to move your vehicle. Then make sure that everyone in your car is physically okay. If anyone needs medical attention, call for an ambulance right away. Typically an ambulance is dispatched to the scene, but double check to be sure one is coming if you or another individual have injuries.
If you can safely get out of your car, go ahead and get out. Check on the other car's occupants and any pedestrians that may have been nearby to make sure they aren't injured. Once again, call for medical help if anyone has sustained an injury. In most cases, it's best to stay with the injured person where they are rather than trying to move them.
Once you've determined that everyone is okay go ahead and call the police. You can begin surveying the damage done to the cars. Take pictures of the damage done to both cars if you have a camera available. Most cell phones have a built in camera which is adequate for close up photos of the damage. Pictures are especially valuable if legal action needs to be taken later on. An auto accident attorney may be able to use them in court when your case is reviewed.
Before the police arrive, it's best not to talk about your view on what happened with anyone, even the other driver. While you're waiting, you can exchange names, phone numbers, addresses, and insurance information. All this information will need to be provided to your insurance company when you file a claim for damages. It's a good idea to call your insurance agent as soon as possible, even while you're still on the scene, to report the incident.
Write down your own account of the incident while it's fresh in your memory. Again, don't discuss this with anyone else; simply write it on a scrap piece of paper. It's also a good idea to get the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses who saw what happened. This is some of the information an auto accident attorney will use if your case needs to be further investigated.
Finally, if you've sustained major injuries or your car is irreparably damaged, you should probably contact your attorney for advice. If you are well enough to speak to them on the scene, call him as soon as possible while you're waiting for the police to arrive.
Once the police arrive, you'll be filing an official police report with them. They'll talk to both drivers and any witnesses that are still at the scene. Be thorough in your description of what happened since this description will probably be reviewed by your auto accident attorney should he need to be involved.