Looking For Free Divorce Records in New York Online
An online record searcher and provider is basically your one-stop shop for your all your public records needs.
New York,

or the Empire State, is a place of mix cultures. So it is just right that the government organizes and manages a wide database of relevant public documents like birth certificates, marriage records, criminal dossiers, and even divorce documents. So, for example, you need to get your hands on some Divorce Records in New York, all that you have to do is file for a request to access the dossiers through the City Health Department’s Vital Records Office. Or, you can also choose to file your application for access with the Certification Unit of the New York State Department of Health’s Vital Records Section. However, you should only choose this second option if you need copies of divorces that took place outside New York City. These two agencies are you main access to public records in the Empire State. The Vital Records Section of New York’s Department of Health is the main body tasked with managing all public documents in the state. You’ll find birth, marriage, death, divorce, and other public records here that were filed back in 1963. If you need certified copies, though, you’ll have to be an authorized entity to become eligible for securing one. The general public is given only uncertified copies, which have served most genealogy researchers quite well.Divorces that happened in New York City form part of the public information you will find in the Vital Records Office. As you’ll need to go by procedures and instructions, you’ll have to contact the office to learn about what you need to do, what you need to submit, as well as how much you need to pay. New York’s five boroughs; Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island, has a city clerk who takes care of important public records like divorce dossiers and marriage licenses. If you do not find the record you need through the Vital Records Office, your next viable option is to go to the County Clerk’s Office of the county where the divorce took place. You’ll find a lot of records that are unavailable at the Vital Records Office here. In situations where you’ll have a difficult time locating the public record or divorce dossier you need even with the help of the County Clerk’s Office, you are to proceed to the next option, which is to file the request through the State Archives. The Archives is a good repository of records for divorces that took place between 1787 and 1847. Well-experienced genealogists prefer this method. If you want another option; a faster and more efficient one, you’ll it in commercial online record providers. These independent online record providers have a comprehensive database that you can access anytime, no matter where you are in the world. All that you have to do is pay a minimal one-time fee and you’ll be able to get all the records you need in no time! They are basically your one-stop shop when it comes to obtaining copies of a New York divorce decree, or any other relevant public record for that matter.