If your personal injury attorney were with you during a car accident, what would he advise? Learn what you should and should not do after a car accident to protect yourself in the eyes of the law.
When you are in a car accident,

you face a sudden an instant need to act, yet often drivers are unsure about what they should do to get out of the difficult situation. If you were to as a personal injury attorney about the first steps you should take after being in a car accident, here is the advice you might get.
After an accident, you will likely be confused and maybe even scared. It is important to stay calm as much as possible. Unless you are injured and must go to the hospital, you need to stay at the scene of the accident until law enforcement arrives. This will prevent the others involved from accusing you of participating in a hit and run. It also gives the police the opportunity to see exactly what happened and the position of the vehicles.
There is an exception to this, though. If you are in a deserted area and someone else hits you, it could be a trap. Instead of getting out, drive to the nearest police station to report the event. It is better to be safe than to get hurt or robbed.
After the accident, check on the people involved. A personal injury attorney will tell you it’s always more important to ensure everyone is healthy and unharmed, and to call for an ambulance if necessary, before you c heck the condition of your vehicle. Do not move anyone who has sustained a head or neck injury, unless they are in imminent danger, such as if they are in a vehicle that could easily catch on fire. Try to support the neck and head if you have to move them.
Once you have ascertained that everyone is fine, call the police. A personal injury attorney will tell you to call the police in almost any circumstance, because your injuries could show up after the event. However, if it is obvious that there is no damage or injuries, you can skip this, provided each party in the accident agrees. Get the badge numbers and names of the officers who report to the scene.
Finally, exchange information with the other drivers. You need the name, phone number, address, driver’s license number, license plate number, and insurance information of everyone involved in the accident. You will also need to give this information to the other drivers for yourself.
One thing that a personal injury attorney will tell you that other experts may not remember is that you should never apologize for the event. Apologizing can make you legally liable for the accident, even if you are not at fault. Even if you think you caused the accident, wait until the insurance companies or police officers assign fault before apologizing.
You do not want to admit guilt if you are not, in fact, guilty in the eyes of the law. If there are witnesses, get their names and contact information if they are willing, so you can have someone to back up your claims should you need this. Once you have all of the information, head home, and call your lawyer to ensure your rights are protected.