Personal Injury Attorney: The Characteristics You Want to See
If you have been injured because of someone else's negligence, you could have bills piling up that you are unable to pay. You may have to bring in a personal injury attorney.
Whether you've been injured in a car crash,

hurt on the job, or put in the hospital because of someone else's negligence, you could have bills piling up that you are unable to pay. Many people find themselves unable to work as they convalesce, making it that much harder to pay not only their new bills, but the regular ones like the mortgage. It's times like these that a meager settlement from an insurance company isn't going to cut it. To get what you need and deserve, you may have to bring in a personal injury attorney. Here are some characteristics you'll want to look for before you hire one. Knowledge of State Law A personal injury attorney must not only have an acute understanding of general law in this field, but also an understanding of the particular laws in your state. Anyone who has experience and longevity in the area will fit the criteria. Be wary of a lawyer who has been practicing his trade in another area of the country for most of his career, even if he brings a good reputation with him. It's obviously not difficult to get yourself up to speed with the local laws, but this can take some time. Specific Experience You don't have to be a dedicated personal injury attorney to take on clients looking to sue someone. But if you're in the position of finding the right lawyer for your case, you want someone who has built his or her career in the field. They should have experience and expertise in every aspect of a case. That means filing, negotiating, mediation, and bringing a case to trial. In a best-case scenario, they should have built up a fearful reputation. So much so that when the insurance company hears that you've hired them, they are already scrambling to come up with a settlement. Most cases never go to trial, but you don't want a settlement just because your lawyer doesn't have the confidence to go to trial. It should be the insurance company that wants to avoid a courtroom, not your lawyer. Your Interests First This basically comes down to honesty. The personal injury attorney is the butt of many a joke in this country, but the truth is that most of them are hard working, honest lawyers. And the one you hire should be willing to tell you the truth about your case, even if it may mean a lower fee for them.