Reasons to Hire an Attorney When You Are At-Fault in a Car Accident
If you are suspected of being at-fault in an auto accident, you need legal help. Consider the most common reasons that at-fault drivers may get an attorney.
You probably know to get a lawyer if you are hit by a car and the driver or his insurance company does not pay for your injuries. However,

you may need an attorney after you hit someone else, too. Consider the situations in which you might need legal counsel after an auto accident that you may have caused.
One of the most common reasons to get a lawyer after causing an auto accident is that you do not have insurance, or perhaps you do not have enough to cover the damages. If this is the case, you may be sued by the other driver. He is entitled to money to cover his medical bills and car repairs, if applicable. Normally, your policy would cover this, but when you are not insured, you may be held liable. This means you could lose anything you own, such as your house, car, or jewelry. Anything of value may be taken from you to cover the costs involved, so it is necessary for you to get an attorney. You may end up having to pay for damages anyway, but you might be able to work out a payment plan and avoid court costs.
If you are insured and your provider refuses to pay, you may need to get an attorney involved. There may be a mistake, and your provider might claim you are not insured after all, or that certain requirements have not been met so you need to pay for the damages with your own money. Few people can afford this kind of mix-up. If you have been paid your premiums for months, years, or even decades only to find out your provider will not help you when you need it, it is time to get a law firm involved. Otherwise, you may be stuck paying the medical bills of the person you hit. For most people, this is just not financially feasible, so it is worth it to at least a call to a firm.
Perhaps you are not certain whether you hit the other driver. Maybe his story differs from your recollection of the incident, and he is now telling both of your insurance providers that you are at fault. If you disagree with the story and need someone to defend you, it is time to contact an attorney. Otherwise, your premiums will increase- that is, if your provider covers the accident at all. You need time to get the police report and any evidence that supports your claim. Though you should stay in touch with your insurance company in case it has any proof of your innocence, you may need to get the help of an expert in the legal field, too.
Auto accidents can be expensive, whether you have caused one or are just being accused of this action. Either way, you face huge expenses if you do not get some legal help. You owe it to yourself to at least get a free consultation from a lawyer to find out your options and an idea of how the case may proceed.