Should You Hire One Criminal Attorney or a Firm With Several?
Some firms allow several lawyers to work on your case. Consider whether one criminal attorney or a few would benefit you.
When you seek a firm to represent you,

it is important to determine whether you want several lawyers to help you or just one. You should compare the pros and cons of each option before you choose a criminal attorney who can help. Just know that what seems like an advantage to you may seem like a drawback to someone else.
One of the first things to think about is whether you would be comfortable with having more than one criminal attorney know about your case. If the information is embarrassing, or if you are just a private person in general, you may have trouble even telling one person about it. Having two or more know can be unbearable. Consider this before you make a decision on which firm to use.
At the same time, having two or more professionals who know about your case details means you will be able to speak to someone involved in the lawsuit more readily than usual. Normally, when you only have one lawyer, you will have to wait until he or she is available to talk when you have questions. If he or she has lots of clients, this could mean you will wait days to talk, but when you have several lawyers involved, you can probably get an answer today.
You should also consider that it is nice to have the expertise of a whole team. Even the best criminal attorney does not know everything in this field. Everyone has specialties, so it makes sense to take advantage of the knowledge that a diverse staff brings to the table. This may be just the advantage you need to win your case.
On the other hand, hiring a few people in one firm means that you will have to get along with all of them. In most cases, you will hit it off with one or two of them more than the other ones. If so, you will probably prefer to talk to them, but this is not always possible. Therefore, you should be prepared to try to get along with as many as possible if you want the best experience. If you find that you can only get along well with one criminal attorney, you may want to simply request that only he or she represent you.
If you are ready to choose a firm to help with your case, you should consider these pros and cons before deciding whether you want one criminal attorney or several. This way, you will feel as comfortable as possible. You may also increase your odds of success when it comes to the case.