Do you need a nursing home abuse attorney? There are specific signs you can look for to determine if abuse is occurring, and if you see them, contact a lawyer to protect the one you love.
Do you need a nursing home abuse attorney to fight for the rights of someone you love? These abuses are often easy to overlook,

as staff members can easily explain them away. If someone you love is in care, then you need to know what the signs of neglect are.
Bedsores can often be attributed to neglect. If your loved one is confined to bed, look for this problem. If a patient is not regularly moved, then the skin and muscle can develop sores. If the wounds are not treated, infection can occur, and it can go into the bone. This is a very serious condition that can lead to death, so you need to watch for it. If you notice a continuing problem with bedsores, it may be time to call a nursing home abuse attorney.
Physical Abuses
Sadly, physical abuses can occur with the elderly who are in care facilities. Signs of this can be unexplained bruises and injuries. Frequent falls, even when you do not feel your loved one has a reason to fall, can be a sign of this type of problem. This is not something to ignore. Serious cases of physical battery can be fatal, so you need to take it seriously. If you suspect this type of problem, call a lawyer immediately.
Emotional Abuses
Physical abuses are not the only type of danger to an elderly individual who is in professional care. Emotional abuses can also occur. This can be see in shouting or threatening language, which can be tricky, because if your loved one cannot hear well, the care takers may need to raise their voices simply to be heard. If your loved one has dementia and gets a little combative, what may be seen as threatening language may be necessary. This can be a good time to talk to a lawyer who is experienced in these situations to see if you have a need to be concerned or not.
Of course, emotional abuses can also be passive. For instance, if your loved one is constantly ignored, they are going to suffer emotionally. And, technically, it means that the caregiver is not fulfilling his or her legal obligation to your loved one, so you can build a case. If your loved one is acting despondent, this can be because of emotional abuses.
Financial Fraud
Elderly individuals can be really easy to swindle, and this is one of the most difficult abuses to catch. Not only can your loved one's cash be taken, but those who are in a position of caring for that individual may even be able to access their credit cards or bank accounts. Signs may include a lack of money when money should be there, or an inability to explain where money has gone.
You must be diligent to ensure that this does not happen. But if it does, contact a nursing home abuse attorney right away to protect not only your loved one's rights, but also their financial security. It is up to you to be watchful for these types of problems, and to take steps to protect your elderly loved one when you find them.