Stay Married or Call a Divorce Lawyer?

Mar 20


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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Many people wonder if it’s better to stay married or call in the divorce lawyer. Here are some things to think about.


Long term relationships have wonderful components but they also have challenges that may lead to a divorce lawyer. While no couple is free of strife,Stay Married or Call a Divorce Lawyer? Articles sometimes a marriage breaks down and becomes unfixable. Mediation may help as well as couples’ counseling. Trained professionals may act as third parties in order to guide a feuding couple into more peaceful territory. Is it better to stay married or get out? Here are some things to think about.

- Repeating patterns: Most men and women have repeating patterns in all of their relationships, marital or otherwise. Each and every person has triggers that can be pulled by nearly anyone. If a husband or wife sees that his or her spouse is hitting the same nerve as their boss or mother, it would be wise to seek counseling in order to change their own pattern. Otherwise, the next spouse or sweetie will likely do the same thing.

- Children involved: The old rationale for staying married may be “for the sake of the children.” This rationale may be very true in many cases. If there are just petty gripes or power struggles, it may be wiser to work it out than subject the kids to a split. If, on the other hand, there are some deal-breaking behaviors going on such as violence or drugs, it would be better for the children not to be in the situation.

- Financial concerns: When a couple splits, their economic life will be turned on its head. Maintaining two households is much more difficult than maintaining one. Each spouse should be prepared to tighten their financial belt. If the relationship’s issues are workable, it is usually better for finances to stay together. Yes, your spouse’s odd quirks might bug you, but being bankrupt can be even more stressful. If the quirks are nothing serious, it may be wise to tough it out. Everyone has some sort of quirk.

- Mediation: Before making the appointment with a divorce attorney, it may be wise to see a mediator beforehand. This savvy professional is highly skilled at cutting to the nitty-gritty in terms of division of assets. Just the facts, ma’am and sir, just the facts.

- Choosing a divorce attorney: If after some soul searching, a couple decides that a split is going to happen, some serious decision making should go into selecting a legal representative. Each spouse will need their own attorney. This lawyer should be smart, savvy, aggressive as well as sensitive to the emotional upheaval of the process. Selecting a pro with lots of experience in dissolutions is mandatory for optimum outcomes.

When a couple’s relationship is in deep trouble, they need to give their marriage a critical pondering. Taking a look at the possibility of repeating patterns, their children, and their finances will help them make a decision about staying or getting out. If there’s no hope for their marital bond, seeing a mediator and then hiring a savvy divorce lawyer will be in everyone’s best interest.

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