The Speeding Ticket Fees You May Face
After a speeding ticket, you should plan for what you will need to pay. Find out your possible expenses.
If you have received a speeding ticket,

there are a few costs that you will have to consider. You may have to pay several fees, or just one. Learn the most common expenses associated with most traffic tickets.
The most obvious fee you face is the one that comes with the speeding ticket. This may be less than $100 for a minor infraction, or it might be several hundred dollars. It often depends on the severity of the law you broke, as well as the county you live in. If the amount of the fine is not written on the citation, you should be able to find it on a pamphlet that should accompany your speeding ticket. Be sure to call the court if you are still not sure what you owe.
If you do not want to pay the fine, you can always consider traffic school. This can help you keep points off your license, and once you complete the course and pay for it, it will be as if the citation was never given to you. Of course, the fee for traffic school is often almost as much as a citation, so you may not save a lot of money here.
If you are adamant that you did not break the law and therefore do not deserve the citation, then you should avoid paying the fee or attending traffic school. Instead, contact a lawyer with experience defending drivers against tickets. An attorney should be able to tell you if you have a good case. You will have to pay money for the lawyer's representation, but it is often worth it if you want to keep your record clean. Plus, some only charge you if you win the case, so you will likely not have to pay out of pocket.
Finally, you should think about whether your car insurance premiums will increase. In many cases, once you get a few tickets, your provider will start charging more because you are considered a higher risk when you have a few citations. This may be why it is wise to talk to a lawyer after you get a speeding ticket, especially if you already have a few on your record.
Clearly, you will typically have to pay at least one fine, even if it is just the one on the citation itself. If it is not much money, and it is your first one, this may be your best bet. However, if you have a few tickets and are worried about losing your license or having your insurance premiums increase, it may be worth your time to see a lawyer.