When you're out and about driving, police are always somewhere close to you. The chances of getting a ticket can be significantly reduced by following a few simple tips to keep you safe. You have to realize that states are facing extreme budget deficits, forcing law enforcement to write more tickets than ever before. You can bet your hard earned dollars that the police want to hold you accountable for your driving mistakes. Using common sense, we've come up with a list of driving tips that can ensure you don't fall victim to the ticket crisis.
If you're driving along the highway, staying within a group of other cars can help keep you safe. In most cases, the "leader of the pack" will be pulled over first and not you. This significantly reduces the chances that you'll get a ticket if you're just a follower. Sometimes you have to speed to make it to your destination on time. If this is your circumstance, then choose to drive in a pack, it will work to keep most of the drivers safe from tickets.
Tip #2: Always Be On The Lookout For Speed Traps
Always be on the lookout for places where police could hide. If you pay close attention to the routes you frequently drive, you'll be able to remember where the police most frequently hide to catch speeders. Also, always use your rear view mirror to make sure there isn't a police officer behind you. If there is, quickly correct your speed and drive cautiously.
Tip #3: Know The Traffic Laws
The more you obey the law, the less trouble you'll be able to get into. If you know the traffic laws and obey them to the best of your ability, you'll be less likely to be pulled over and issued a citation. Many drivers forget the traffic laws or even worse, completely disregard them. Many drivers find out the hard way that they should have remembered the all important traffic laws.
Tip #4: Perform Frequent Maintenance On Your Vehicles
When you have a tail light out, this is a immediate signal for police to pull you over. The better condition you keep your car in, the less chance there will be for the police to find a reason to write you a ticket. Most people who keep their cars in pristine condition don't get pulled over by the police, especially if they obey the traffic laws and drive at a reasonable speed.
Tip #5: Don't Outfit Your Car With Eye Catching Details
You may not have known this, but police officers don't like cars that grab a lot of attention. They like to make sure that other drivers aren't distracted by flashing lights and hoopla. If you're going to be driving on the road, it means you should be courteous to other drivers, and that means no eye catching accessories that could cause a wreck. If you're stopped by the police, make sure you be courteous and respectful. Police have a difficult job and when they encounter a rude driver, they are more inclined to write tickets. Also remember that anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.
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