What is a Joint Custody Agreement in Joint Custody of Children?
A joint custody, or shared custody agreement, is when split parents decide to take joint responsibility for the raising of their children. There is joint physical custodywhere the child will alternate between physical homes, and joint legal custody, where the child may live with only one parent permanently, but where both parents will make decisions about their care.
A joint custody,

or shared custody agreement, is when split parents decide to take joint responsibility for the raising of their children. There is joint physical custody, where the child will alternate between physical homes, and joint legal custody, where the child may live with only one parent permanently, but where both parents will make decisions about their care.
Many parents choose a joint custody agreement as it gives the child access to both parents and avoids any appearance of animosity between the two.
It is important in a joint custody arrangement to show an effort of co-operation with your ex-spouse, as it will affect the child more if they see their parents fighting all the time. It is only fair to devise a balanced schedule between both parties.
Your child is not something you can use against your ex. You must remember that this is tough on them too, regardless of how you feel about your partner, and so for the benefit of your child, a brave face is essential.
Outlining the exact stipulations of the agreement is an important move, as it eradicates any possibility of crossed wires or confusion. If possible, work with you ex to settle on a clear and acceptable arrangement that will both benefit the child and give you and your ex piece of mind.
Parents who choose joint custody are doing it for the sake of their children, and so it is vital not to lose sight of that. Although it may seem difficult and awkward at times, it is your child's benefit that you must keep in mind.
While you can enjoy your new start, your child will also benefit from having both parents in their life.
Learn more about a joint custody agreement and joint custody of children at my blog.
Stop by http://ChildJointCustody.com now and don't lose out in your relationship with your child.