Did you have a road accident or you injured at work you can claim for your injury. This article will help you how to claim for your whiplash injury.
We all know someone or someone who knows someone else that has suffered from whiplash, whether it was during an unfortunate car accident or from a sports injury. One thing each individual that has suffered from whiplash will comment on is the restrictive nature of the condition, the fact that you are no longer able to turn your neck fully in any one direction without feeling extreme pain and discomfort makes living life normally unachievable.
If you have been in an accident that has resulted in your suffering with whiplash, there are some ways to alleviate the symptoms of swelling, headaches and general pain; these include pain killers and after some serious rest some gentle exercises. What may sufferers have found however is that time is the only healer that lasts, with that in mind the repercussions of an accident can prove to be further reaching than one originally anticipated.
The uncomfortable symptoms vary from one individual to another as does the recovery time, where one individual may suffer for a few days, others can still be in a lot of pain and discomfort months, even years after the event causing the whiplash. Understanding just how huge an impact it can have on one’s life may make it easier to understand why so many people launch law suits against companies and individuals alike for causing them such restriction. Reduced mobility and pain in your neck can force you to stay at home, no longer able to work you will have to rely on statutory sick pay to aid you and your dependants during the recovery period.
Being forced to rely on such handouts may not be conducive to your way of living and so seeking financial retribution from the wrongdoer in the situation may be the only other option. If it has come about following a vehicular accident where your car was rear-ended by a driver who happened to be on their mobile then the blatant disregard for the law will no doubt add fuel to the already burning desire to seek justice.
It is important to note that following such a diagnosis such as whiplash you can expect to have to shell out a fair bit of cash for prescriptive painkillers, an unfair expectation if you were the victim. It is at this point that you should be asking yourself can I make this any easier and if I can then how d I go about doing so?
If your injuries have come about following an accident at the hands of another individual or company then you will need to make a personal injury compensation claim. Whiplash is not something that is isolated to drivers alone, a large proportion of the cases recorded indicate that passengers, sitting in the front and the back alike are susceptible to this form of injury.
In such instances, whether you are the driver or the passenger your entitlement to make a personal injury claim can and should be exercised, and the claim should be made against the individual who caused the accident, whether that’s the driver of the vehicle you were in or a third party driver. As a driver, pedestrian or cyclist; exercising your right to hold the individual(s) responsible for your pain, discomfort, loss of earnings and lifestyle may be paramount.
If this is the case, you need to be able to prove that another individual is responsible for causing you your pain. As well as this you need to ensure you have all the necessary information; the driver’s name address, number and photographs if possible . regardless of what is available to you at the minute, you must call the police and report the incident.
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