What to Know About Your Deportation Lawyer
Not every deportation lawyer can handle a particular case the same. Every case is different, so it is important to choose an attorney with experience pertinent to the case at hand.
For those of us born in the great country of America,

it is often hard to understand the complex intricacies and difficult process that immigrants face when attempting to join our productive and capitalist society. In some situations, individuals attempting to immigrate, or even those that have successfully been granted lawful immigration status may require the services of a deportation lawyer to protect themselves and their families. If you are looking for the services of a deportation lawyer, there are a few key questions to ask before paying any money to anyone looking to defend your rights in a court of law.
First off, you want to be sure that the person you are consulting is actually an attorney. There are a number of professional individuals in the immigration industry that are looking to make money off the plight and frustration of others and do not have any training or education or a formal law degree. A deportation lawyer that has not only experience in the system, but education in a formal capacity are held to a higher level of ethics and standards than professionals that are simply in it for the money.
Next, you want to ask your deportation lawyer if they have ever had any sort of ethical complaint filed against them or action taken against them by their state bar association. It is possible for an attorney to lie to you on this point and if you feel uncomfortable asking them directly, you can simply contact your state bar association for the information on their behalf. Most states will freely share this information with their residents in the best interests of the court system.
One of the most common complaints that many individuals have against the law firm or deportation lawyer that they are working with is that they can't get in touch with them very easily or that they are not available when the individual is looking for information or help. Keeping up with today's advances in technology means most attorneys and law firms check email daily and are available to their clients around the clock for emergency situations.
Lastly, you want to be sure that the attorney you hire has extensive experience with immigration issues and has practiced this type of law within the particularly complex court system. Immigration and deportation carry their own set of unique challenges and problems and it will benefit you to have an attorney that has experience in the confusing and complex system.