When to Hire a Work Injury Lawyer
Getting hurt on the job is no laughing matter, as workers compensation can be difficult to obtain. A work injury lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.
If you've ever been hurt on the job then you know what it's like. You have form after form after form to fill out in order to get worker's compensation to pay the bills. Sometimes that compensation claim is denied for one reason or another; even if you can prove that the incident happened at work and was a result of poor conditions. A work injury lawyer can help you cut through the red tape and get the system to pay you the money you deserve. You might not be asking for a lot,
but you deserve to have your time off work and medical bills covered.
Even if you haven't finished filing your claims for compensation it might be a good time to talk to a work injury lawyer. Sometimes these claims are denied simply because you missed a deadline or didn't fill out the appropriate forms. In their mind it is your responsibility to get the forms you need and get them filled out and back in by the specified deadline, not theirs. You might find it frustrating trying to get help from someone who isn't going to be ready and willing to make payments to you. Having an attorney can help you get the forms filled out and filed in a timely manner.
Once the forms are filled out having a work injury lawyer can make getting answers from them easier. Just because you have an attorney talking to them on your behalf it doesn't mean you are going to be threatening a lawsuit, it simply means you are protecting yourself in the event they deny your claim. If they do your attorney can then immediately apply for an appeal and work the system to help you get your money. This way you won't have to start searching and then waiting for something to happen; your attorney will be on it immediately.
If the compensation comes from an insurance group you can have your work injury lawyer look at the offer for you before accepting it. Often times, to keep costs down, insurance companies will offer a settlement at a fraction of what you deserve. It's just good business for them, but it might not be for you. Your attorney can make sure that you are getting a fair settlement before you accept it and if the offer is too low then you can decide where to go from there.
It's a good idea to have a work injury lawyer on your side from the very beginning of your claim. This way you're sure all your paperwork is filed correctly and any offers go through a party that is interested in helping you out. Just because you hire someone to act in your best interest it doesn't mean your litigious, it simply means that you are protecting yourself in the long run.