How to make your business busier when other things are slowing down and costing more.
It seems everywhere I turn I'm hearing about:
and yet I'm busier than ever and have just brought on two new team members and several of my clients are reporting record months.
Why the difference?
The answer is as complex as it is simple. There are several things those who are growing are doing:
Notice a trend? Everything listed above can be traced back to a success mindset and constant action.
Always remember, knowledge without implementation is a waste; knowledge combined with implementation is a recipe for success.
Your Coaching Challenge
Every time you start to think something negative or limiting about your business, stop yourself and remember that, while you can't change the past, you most definitely can affect the future.
Then immediately take ONE action to move your business forward: send an email to a potential client, sign up for an ezine service, sign up for a teleseminar, contact someone you'd like to coach with. You get the idea.
Take just one action for each limiting thought and you'll be thriving rather than surviving in no time!
Strategic Implementation: A direct path to your goals
Quite simply, many business owners are implementing just for the sake of implementing and being busy. They've no idea HOW to strategically implement. So what should you do if you're in this rut, and likely don't even realize it?Social Currency: More Than Just a Fad
Included with the current social networking and Web 2.0 craze is a resurgence of the concept of "social currency".How to Instantly Boost Your Creativity and Your Happiness
It wasn't long ago when a friend asked me what I was tolerating in my life. Tolerating? Me? I have a husband I adore and who adores me, 5 fabulous pets, a house we're comfortable in, supportive friends and family and a business which fulfills me while allowing me to help others. What could I possibly be tolerating?