The branch of science dealing with performance management is called CPM- corporate performance management.
Many businesses today more than ever are now using performance evaluation programs. The reason for this is that they are not only extremely beneficial to the employer but also to the employer as well. In fact such programs have become a necessary part of being able to manage a business more effectively.
It is through these evaluations that a manager or supervisor can see just how effectively an employee is working within their department and what if any thing needs to be done to improve their effectiveness. Plus it is these evaluations which provide the employee with a chance to learn just how effective they are being and help them with guidance in relation to the career and goals. It also provides the employee with a chance to air any grievances or problems they may be having in relation to their job and their performance.
Most of the forms that many companies now use to carry out a performance evaluation of an employee will look at the following factors.
1. What the employee has accomplished in the past year. 2. What their relationships are like with other employees and senior managers and supervisors as well as how they carry out their job. 3. How dependable that employee is. 4. How easy they find it to adapt and whether they are flexible and can easily cope with changes if any that are carried out in the past year. 5. How easy does that employee find it to make decisions as well as solve any kinds of problems that they are faced with.
Although the main objective of a performance evaluation meeting between employer and employee is to acknowledge how well they are performing their job. But this meeting also provides the employer with a chance to provide guidance to the employee to help improve their performance.
Once the evaluation has been carried out the employee at all times has the right to make comments whether in spoken or written form in relation to what has been said at the performance evaluation. They may if they wish include information that they feel is pertinent to their evaluation and which has been omitted. Then all this information when collected together will be placed on the employee's personnel file where it can be referred back to in the future.
What is important when a supervisor or manager is carrying out any kind of performance evaluation of their staff is that they be fair and honest with them. It is vital that at no stage when they are evaluating their staff members that they look as them as individuals rather than as a department as a whole.
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