The way entrepreneurs present themselves is an important part of how we value them. If you want to earn the big bucks you have to present yourself the right way. You have to create a brand through presentation.
Have you ever gone to Home Depot on the weekend in your grubby clothes and felt a distinct difference in how you were perceived versus when you have attended a business meeting in regular attire? How we feel about ourselves and how others view us has a direct impact on our income.
It always surprises me when someone comments that they are not attracting high quality clients. I can take one look at them, their marketing materials, and how they present themselves and tell them why they have to work so hard for so little.
One of my attractive female clients told me that she was having difficulty establishing credibility with male prospects and that she was unable to charge a fair price for her services. She observed that while she had no trouble making appointments with the opposite gender, getting them to take her seriously was another issue. When I asked her what she thought she could change in order to be taken seriously, she was quiet for a moment. In her former corporate life she wore a suit to meetings. In her entrepreneurial life she felt that she could now dress more casually in slacks and lacy tops. What she was doing was devaluing herself in the eyes of her target clients. Her impressive credentials were ignored over her very obvious outward appearance. After changes in her dress and price structure, three months later she had turned it around. Not only was she being taken seriously, she was also earning more.
Follow these 3 tips if you want to earn the big bucks and attract quality clients into your life:
What will you have in your life if you improve these things? How will this affect your business? Through these changes you will change the perception in the mind of the consumer. You will have credibility you didn't have before. You will position your company to go after quality clients. This means being able to charge more which translates into working less and taking that dream vacation.
©Copyright 2007- Suzanne Muusers - All Rights Reserved -
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