All of us are ... to ezines that we enjoy and look forward to reading. But how many of us show our ... for these ezines. Listed below are 5 ways you can show your ... and than
All of us are subscribed to ezines that we enjoy and look forward to reading. But how many of us show our appreciation for these ezines. Listed below are 5 ways you can show your appreciation and thanks to the people who publish great ezines.
1. Feedback
One of the easiest ways to give back to a great ezine, is by sending the publisher some positive feedback. You'd be surprised at how good a few
kind words from a subscriber can make a publisher feel. Let the publisher know that you think he/she has a great ezine and tell him/her what you enjoy
about the ezine. Also, don't be afraid to mention any areas where you think the ezine can be improved. Constructive criticism helps good ezines become great ezines. Just as long as you mention the good stuff first...
2. Check Out Offers In Ezine
Most ezine publishers will occasionally promote different offers and programs in their ezine. Instead of passing these offers over, take a few minutes and see what they're all about. If it's something that interests you why not sign up or join. On the other hand if you're not interested, just the fact that you took the time to further
investigate the offer will be appreciated by the publisher.
3. Visit the Website
If the publisher mentions a website for the ezine, or any other website that he/she owns, why not take a few minutes and check it out. Take the grand
tour! See what the site has to offer. Click on a banner. Visit one of the website's sponsors. If there is a guestbook, be sure to sign it before
you leave.
4. Tell A Friend
Forwarding a copy of an ezine to a friend is a great way to give back to an ezine. Word of mouth has always been one of the best form of promotion,
especially when it comes from a trusted friend. So if you like an ezine tell a few friends, forward a few copies, add a link to it on your website.
5. Purchase Advertising
For most ezine publishers advertising is where they make the bulk of their money. So if you really like an ezine, why not purchase some advertising space
in it. If you think about it the few dollars that you'll spend for the advertising is a really small price to pay for all the free information that you regularly receive from a good ezine. Plus when publishers begin to see money rolling in, they will start spending even more time and effort on the ezine, and this means an even better publication for subscribers. These facts, combined with the fact
that ezine advertising is one of the most effective forms of advertising on the Web, show that purchasing
advertising not only helps out the publisher, but you as the subscriber and advertiser as well. So why not buy a solo ad or top sponsor ad, or some
other advertising package from that ezine you like so much? You and the publisher will be glad you did.
The Bare Truth About My Butt Quiz
Forget about the SAT, never mind the FCAT, and remove forever from you mind any thoughts about the ACT. All these test pale in comparision to the examination that I just failed. Failing those test may have minor repurcussions like never making it into college and therefore being forced to work at fast food resturants well into you 40's. That's nothing. I just flunked a quiz that could scar me for life.The Finer Points of Poverty
I'm poor. And I'm not ashamed of it. Actually, I'm kind of proud of myself for being poor. It's an accomplishment that many people will never attain. Some people will go through their whole life and never know what it's like to experience some of the finer points of poverty like eating ramon noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 5 days a week. My heart goes out to these types of people. The Fourtunate Ones. People who've always had electricity, nice cars, and proper clothing.5 Surefire Ways To Ruin Any Website
Owning a website gives you certain rights. For example, you have the right to plaster your URL all over the doors and windows of your SUV in hopes that someone in one of the 7 cars you pass on the way to work will get the urge to visit your website and spend gobs of money. You own the website-this is your right. You also have the right to post pictures of your family, friends, pets, and other totally uninteresting images all over your website; after all it's yours. One of the biggest rights you have as a webmaster is the right to make your website successful (and profitable) or to run it into the ground like a 737 missing both engines and landing gear. For those of you who despise online success and frown upon the wealths of cyberspace I have compiled a list of 5 ways to ruin any website.