Be Aware Of The Most Common Blogging Mistakes

Jan 9


Cynthia Minnaar

Cynthia Minnaar

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Running a successful blog or becoming a successful blogger involves not making common mistakes as well as continually improving your skills. It can take a long time to learn how to do everything with a high level of proficiency, but it takes no time at all to spot the most common blogging mistakes others are making and ensuring you avoid them yourself.


Whilst most people who blog will describe it as an art,Be Aware Of The Most Common Blogging Mistakes Articles others will say it is a science. Regardless of what you perceive blogging to be, there are four common blogging mistakes which can destroy your credibility with your readers and turn your blog into a desert island in no time at all. Online you will find lots of tips and tricks to help you identify the best practices of bloggers and running a blog. Often it is easier to identify mistakes that bloggers make and simply avoid them. Even if you aren’t doing a lot of things correctly, not making mistakes immediately puts you way ahead of your competition.

1. Failing to proofread

Forgetting to proofread is the single biggest mistake a blogger can make for their blog. It takes time to create a quality post as it involves research, preparation, organization and finally writing it. There is no reason to undercut a blog post’s value with simple spelling and grammar mistakes when so much work has gone into it. It is unfortunate that after so much goes into the blog post creation process that proofreading often gets overlooked. You will always find mistakes or areas of improvement if you take the time to proofread thoroughly, regardless of how good a writer you are.

2. Deviating from the topic

Deviating from the topic can mean a lot of different things. Many people talk about creating content which fits within the theme of the blog. Although staying on topic in terms of overall content is important, it is a mistake to deviate from the topic within a blog post. Those who are reading your article will have seen the headline or search engine listing and have decided they wanted to read about that topic. Then if you change the direction of your post to cover a topic completely different from what your headline suggests, it is very likely that your readers will quickly leave. This can not only be damaging in terms of readership, but it also makes you a more ineffective writer over time. Making mistakes constantly eventually will lead to that mistake becoming a habit. This is a very dangerous habit, especially when you really have an important point you want to focus on and get across to your readers.

3. Failing to promote your blog content after it is published

Creating an excellent post is really only half of the job. What you need to ensure is that your content actually gets seen.  In most cases, the owners of popular blogs spend more time promoting their content than creating it. Don’t think that you have to spend money on PPC ads, rather take proactive steps to promote sharing. You can do this by social media sharing or simply sending an e-mail to update your subscribers and notify them that you have published new content. The key is making sure you actually promote your content, regardless of how you plan to do it.

4. Failing to consider SEO

Experienced Internet marketers can confirm that creating blog posts solely for SEO purposes is a surefire way to turn your readers off. However, what many of them forget is that the opposite is also true. Search engine optimization should not dictate the direction or content of your blog post, but making some simple formatting decisions can go a long way in gaining search engine visibility. Search engine optimization has become more difficult than ever as search engines continually alter their algorithms, but don’t make the mistake of completely ignoring it. As search engines are still a significant source of online traffic for most blogs, giving them what they want is in your best interest.

Becoming a successful blogger or running a successful blog involves not making common mistakes as well as continually improving your skills. Whilst it can take a long time to learn how to do everything with a high level of proficiency, it takes no time at all to spot the most common blogging mistakes others are making and ensuring you avoid them yourself.