Be clear when you are marketing your business about your time, money, boundaries. This will set proper expectations for your clients and keep your business going on the right path.
Many marketing gurus will tell you that before you start your business,

you need to be clear about who your target market is. Once you are clear on who your target market is, then you will be clear on their needs and how you can provide solutions to fill them. This is definitely important, but you also need to be very clear about the service(s) you will provide, how you will provide them and for how much.
Some of us are ambiguous in certain areas of our business because we are afraid of losing business before we even get it. We are afraid of narrowing our niche too much and missing out on additional business because of it. I recently had an interview with Jessica Swanson of Shoestring Marketing about having a narrow niche and growing a successful business. We both agreed that when you have a narrow niche and become known as an expert because of it, you can build a business beyond your wildest dreams. You can click here to get a free download of this information-packed interview.
When you are clear about your offering and the way you will deliver it, you save yourself a lot of stress in the end.
Here are a few key areas where you have to be clear in your marketing and why:
Your ideal customer or client: When you are clear about who your ideal customer or client is, you can tailor your market to attract them. You will know what their fears are, what kind of problems they tend to face, how much money they make and what drives them. This kind of clarity will allow you to have more focused marketing. You will also be able to provide winning solutions through your products, services and programs that they will pay top dollar for. So if there is someone reading your blog, watching your videos or checking out your paid programs and it is not a fit, they will not reach out or call you. And yes, that will be a good thing. It is not a missed opportunity if they do not call. It just saves you and that prospect time, money or frustration.
They will just have to keep looking for someone who is a fit for their needs and you will just keep attracting others that are a fit for your solutions.
Your coaching programs and services If you are a coach, consultant or service provider you need to be crystal clear about your terms of service. Your proposal should spell out exactly how many hours you will meet, whether it will be face to face or virtually, like over the phone, how you will communicate outside of meeting times, deliverables and time frames and as much detail as possible. I know that I may get push back from this, but I am willing to face the music as someone who is in the trenches as a consultant. Projects rarely go exactly according to plan and deviation from the plan sometimes work out to more man hours and resources and this could lead to problems down the road.
Package ALL your services and be clear about all of them. Failure to do this may make you seem like a freelancer and you will have people approaching you asking you to do all manner of services. While you may get paid, you may not feel fulfilled. And the reason you got into business in the first place is to provide services that you love that also helps people and of course make a profit. If there is a particular service that you can provide but it is not ideally something you want to do, then don’t do it. Trust me.
Of course, if you are facing financial challenges and could use the extra money, then by all means, do what is practical.Your fees and payment terms: This is key and it ties into point #1, being clear about your ideal client or customer. Set your fees according to the value of the service and the value of your time. Your ideal client or customer will appreciate the value that your service will give them and will pay your fee, period. When you are clear in all aspects of your marketing that you hold the key to solving your ideal client’s problem, they will pay you handsomely for it. What’s more is that they will not come knocking on your door asking you to bring the price down. They will save and put themselves in a position to afford your services and come to you when they are ready.
Aim to get to a point where you charge an upfront fee for your service or a multiple-recurring charge through a shopping cart system. The idea here is to cut receivables out of your business model.
The mental and physical drain that comes from ambiguity in the above areas can be crippling and harmful to your business.It is much better to work with your ideal client, do what you love, get paid for the value you provide and ON TIME to boot.