You need to design your ads to get noticed. You want them to be read. To do this you want the consumer to perceive the ad as relevant to them. You can achieve this by using the copywriting principle referred to as AIDA - Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.
The next step is to make an offer so irresistible that the customer can’t say no. How do you do this? Add value with a guarantee, time limited discounts, additional bonuses to act immediately. All you need to do now is to tell them exactly what ACTION they need to take, making it simple for them to take advantage of your offer. “Phone 000 111 222 now to order” or “Click here to buy now”. Include contact details and exact instructions. Using AIDA along with an understanding of the benefits of your product will help your ads stand out in the marketplace.
Lessons Out of Africa - The Importance of Mentoring
Since mentoring and coaching are not ingrained in our culture, we can take one of two paths. The first is trial and error. We can learn as we go, building a base of experience needed to be successful in our own right. Many people take this path and get there but the majority of folks on this path never achieve their dreams. The second "smarter" path is to find somebody who has been there before and ask them for guidance. We need to be taught how to be successful in the modern world, by people who are successful themselves. This is where mentoring and coaching comes into play.Turning Indecisive Prospects Into Satisfied Customers
Customers are searching for solutions to problems and it is important that you provide that solution and that you will help them get the best out of the product showing that you care about the outcome for the customer. Applying the risk reversal principal will turn indecisive prospects into satisfied customers.Bad Judgment Can Be Profitable For Your Business
Bad judgment may be the most profitable thing you ever do in your business, as long as you learn from the experience. When you make bad calls, you nearly always pay. In some cases, you pay very dearly. How do you know how much your bad judgment cost? How do you know how much your subsequent good judgment produces?