Do you frequently send out direct mail ads to prospective customers only to meet with little or no response? There are a few simple changes that your can make to your campaign that will more than likely boost your response rate significantly.
The first and most basic tip is to personalize each letter with the customer’s name. For shorter mailing lists you might even consider writing the names (as well as your signature) in by hand, in an attempt to add a “personal touch” to the sales copy.
If your business has a frequently used mailing list (of previous customers for example), you may want to consider sending your mailings at different times of the month, and in different colors and shapes of envelopes, so as to capture the reader’s interest with each unique mailing.
It may also be a good idea to print some or all of your mailings on recycled paper, and making it clear to customers that you do so. That way, you can better capture the attention of earth-conscious readers, by letting them know that your company does its part for the environment.
Finally, it’s tried and proven that adding a P.
S. message to the end of each letter can be used to draw attention to certain points, while giving you one more chance to capture the reader’s interest. It’s a good idea to include a short “summary” of your overall message (condensed into a sentence or two), directly followed by your contact information.
Civil Forfeiture and the Standard of Proof
Unlike criminal proceedings, where an accused person must be presumed innocent until proven guilty and only punished once their guilt has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, civil forfeiture proceedings operate on the balance of probabilities, meaning that the state must merely demonstrate that an individual has probably done something illegal in order to obtain forfeiture of their property.Democratic Rights: A Broad Charter Guarantee
Summary: In Canada, the right to vote and participate in provincial and federal elections is robustly protected under Section 3 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This article delves into the nuances of this protection, highlighting key legal interpretations and decisions that underscore the strength of democratic rights in Canada, contrasting it with other freedoms that face more limitations.The Right to Counsel in Canada
Section 10(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms preserves the right of a detained individual to contact counsel immediately upon arrest or detention, and simultaneously imposes a duty upon police to immediately inform individuals that they have this right.