How can we automate the link building process?
All internet marketers learn after a while that internet marketing isn't really all that difficult to understand. At first it truly seems overwhelming but once you get into it you realize that it is definitely not brain surgery! We learn about keywords and how they help search engines figures out what your page or post or even site is about.
All internet marketers learn after a while that internet marketing isn't really all that difficult to understand. At first it truly seems overwhelming but once you get into it you realize that it is definitely not brain surgery! We learn about keywords and how they help search engines figure out what your page or post or even site is about. We learn about rises feeds and wordpress as well as how to purchase domains and hosting. It sure seems like a lot to learn but again I tell you it's nothing.
We learn about picking niches and keywords that pay which takes some experimentation and time but that's about all. In the end we learn that nothing is more critical to making money online than getting good quality anchored links. It really is that simple. In a nutshell this is how it goes: you find a keyword that has one or two hundred searches per day (more or less is good depending on your experience),

for more details visit to you check the competition to make sure you are not competing against a heavy hitter like say CNN or Google, and you get your links. That's it. It's all about the links.
So once you figure that out you immediately start to think about ways to get more links in less time. How can we automate the link building process? This is not difficult to answer either. Link building is what really gets us paid so it's only natural to want to figure out a way to build links automatically. Well, for more details visit to some folks who are programmers as well as internet marketers like to whip up their own programs for link building. If you can't do that then I have a couple suggestions for you.
Article marketing is a real winner for getting links. You write an article and distribute it to as many directories as you can. You can use software for this like Article Submitter Platinum where it will submit your article to 300 directories or so. Do the math and you can see that you'll eventually get a lot of links for that. It's not entirely automated as you still need to write the article and load it into the submitter. Of course you could hire a starving college student to write your articles for dirt cheap!
Another way to help automate that process of link building is with social bookmarking. This is when you go to social bookmarking sites, create an account and bookmark your links. You get an anchored link for each bookmark. Some are no follow some are do follow. Social bookmarking sites are great for link building even if the links are no follow. Why? Because no follow links still indicate relevancy even if they don't pass page rank. Links from social bookmarking sites get crawled quickly so if you want to get new site indexed quickly there is no better way to do it than with social bookmarking.
One piece of software that can really help automate this process is Bookmarking Demon. Bookmarking Demon creates accounts for you at one hundred social bookmarking sites and that includes Pligg sites, which are clones of digg. You simply enter your urls that you want to get links to in Bookmarking Demon. Then you set it to run and let it go. I usually do this before bed time each night and let BMD run all night long. That's about as close to automation as you can get.