How to close the room during your free workshop
Have you tried offering free workshops to get new clients?
This is a great way to connect with people and let them get to know you.
Think about it. You can gather together a bunch of your ideal clients– either live at a location or on a conference call. You get the chance to speak to each person and share tons of content so people’s eyes both glaze over from a little bit of overwhelm and feeling grateful because you’ve given them so much.
Now what? How to you turn these attendees into clients at the end of the workshop or teleclass? What type of language do you use to close the program?
Focus on Implementation. I recommend your closing focus to be about implementation. Say something like,
“So the biggest thing you need to focus on is actually implementing this because you can’t get results if you don’t implement. But this may seem a little overwhelming and a lot of people would just put all this on the shelf. But I don’t want you to do ‘shelf help’. If, instead, you are interested in working with me to implement this in your business, let’s set up a get acquainted call. I want to hear about your situation and what you want to accomplish to see how I can help.”
Schedule Get Acquainted CallsThat’s all you have to say. For me, every time I held one of these workshops, four to five people would walk up to the front of the room after my talk and say, “Yes, I would like to talk to you about working together.” They’d give me their contact information and I’d call them to follow up the next day. Then I would set up the call a few days later, send them the materials and go through the call, finishing with the closing the sale conversation. And just like that, I’d have several new clients.
Be sure to give people a lot of the “what and why” of your solution, but not all the “exactly how”. Then they’ll want to know what the “how” is, which creates the desire to work with you further to find out.
Practice Your Pitch to Get Good at ItThe first time you do this it might seem a little awkward, but with time you’ll get really good at the subtle nuances needed to get several people requesting a get acquainted session with you.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
Do you offer free workshops? If you need more clients, this is a great method to fill your practice. Take a look at your signature talk and see if you can turn this into a workshop. Then go ahead and schedule a live program or teleclass. That gives you the opportunity to practice your close in front of a group to get more clients. It works like a charm every time.