How to sell your E-book resale right to earn maximum profit?
Viral marketing is a way to promote a service or product exponentially. Its an effective internet marketing tool designed for one reason to gain traffic through free or low cost distribution with the intent of gaining the customer to market other products and create brand awareness.
Viral marketing is a way to promote a service or product exponentially. Its an effective internet marketing tool designed for one reason to gain traffic through free or low cost distribution with the intent of gaining the customer to market other products and create brand awareness. Free,

as in giving away as a bonus or incentive in conjunction with something else. For instance, I can create a handy E-book that is exclusive and likeable and then give it away free as a promotion or incentive to sign up for my newsletter. You can even sell it. By having these distributed in such a fashion, you gain credibility by adding dollar value and master resale rights as well. The number of readers could exponentially grow. So here are a few tips to help you sell your E-book resale right:
1) Create Master Resell Rights - Great for generating interest and free distribution. You can offer this as a bonus and allow others to sell or give them away with another offer. This is viral marketing.
2) Include Restrictions in Your E-book resale right -- By simply giving away your e-Book master resale right, it may simply look unprofessional. You should uphold the quality of the product by including some stipulations and terms of violation.
3) If Selling, Set A Minimum Price -- If you plan on selling your e-Book resale right, set a minimum price in your terms and conditions of use to protect your E-Books value.
4) Do Not Allow Product on Auctions Sites Auction sites are notorious for depreciating certain products values. For details visit to If you allow resellers to place auctions on internet sites like EBay, plan on losing a few buyers before you even got them. Buyers do their research too, and having lots of your E-books selling on eBay for cheap doesnt help your image.
5) Restrict the Use of Spam This is very essential. Spam is the internets major problem. These days, plans and software are blocking out things that look fishy. Youll get a bad name for yourself and worst of all, get booted from all major internet sites.
6) Include Quality Links and Advertisements Even if you are considering on just giving away your E-book resale right, make sure youve made connections with genuine affiliates. This is where you make all the money. Being able to sell your E-books is great, but a good chunk on your profits comes from people clicking on your links and buying products. For more information visit to They buy because they believe you are a profession and they trust you. Thats why writing a good E-book is necessary.
Enjoy selling your E-book and your E-book resale right by making money and getting famous from it. You also get your much needed traffic! Just remember to use discretion when creating your terms and conditions. Keep your resell right high in quality and if youre successful, it will be circulating the web frequently and worldwide for a long time to come.