When it comes to advertising like postcards and posters,
it’s easy to make sure that the message you’re focusing on is short and to the point. With these forms of marketing you just don’t have room to have it be much else, which is why companies are typically good at staying on topic.
The problem I’ve noticed is the companies who seem to change that their overall focus is depending on the kind of advertising they’re doing. The best messages are the ones that are the same all throughout your marketing endeavor, and are closely linked with what your brand name is supposed to represent.
It doesn’t matter what type of advertising you’re going to do, or how big or small your commercial printing order is, you need to make sure that you have a clear message for every kind of advertising you get done.
The exact nature of this message isn’t always going to be the same. Different companies will have different messages they want to give, and each industry will alter the best one for you.
The way you figure this message out, however, should be rather simple. Ask yourself what it is that your company can do best for people.
If you’re just entering into the marketplace and starting up your company ask yourself what you plan on giving people that they can’t get anywhere else. If you’ve been around for a while but have never managed to develop a strong brand, ask yourself what it is people enjoy most about your company?
If you look at almost every single major brand name you’ll begin to notice a central theme they have locked onto and made sure to spread as wide as they can with great advertising and large amounts commercial printing.
Some places use low prices, other a wide variety of things to choose from, and some will emphasize the years they have in the marketplace so that people will come to trust them as experts in the field.
What you need to ask yourself is specifically what you’re going to do for the customer, or what is it you can do to make the customers feel better about giving you business. If you have a company you should be able to answer that. If you can’t you shouldn’t expect your marketing to draw in a large crowd.
This is the core of your message, the thing you can offer someone that no one else can, or the thing you can do better than any other company. Every advertisement you send out should be imbued with this message, and make sure to keep things simple, too. The more complicated your message gets the harder it will be for someone to understand it.
All the best brands were established based on a central idea of what would best help the people they were trying to get business from. The first step towards making your brand name strong is figuring out what your message is.