Manufacturer 2006: The Year Manufacturers Discover PR
TR Cutler, Inc. ( is the Public Relations firm specializing in PR for the manufacturing community worldwide. In conjunction with a...
TR Cutler,

Inc. ( is the Public Relations firm specializing in PR for the manufacturing community worldwide. In conjunction with a new affinity PR program exclusively offered through manufacturing trade associations, CEO, Thomas R. Cutler, announced the year-long PR program, Manufacturing 2006. According to Cutler, “We are going to use the full force of Manufacturing Media Consortium™, more than 2000 journalists writing about trends in the manufacturing sector, to tell the stories of thousands of American Manufacturers.” Cutler is considered the nation’s leading manufacturing journalist writing hundreds of feature articles each year and the author of The Manufacturer’s Public Relations and Media Guide. Cutler as is a regular contributing editor dozens of leading manufacturing magazines.The Manufacturing PR Advantage™ program will profile U.S. manufacturer using 90 day aggressive media outreach strategy. Associations working with TR Cutler, Inc. will receive significant rebates for the fees their members pay to participate in the program. TR Cutler, Inc. Cutler, who has worked with dozens of manufacturing associations, recognized that membership revenue was not self-sustaining and many local PR firms simply lack the expertise or media relationships in the manufacturing sector. Cutler says, “Everyone wins: the manufacturing association looking to drive additional operating revenue, the manufacturer who wants to see immediate and direct results from an aggressive PR campaign, and TR Cutler, Inc. There is also another “win” – people will learn about the amazing and fantastic manufacturing being done by thousands of American manufacturers.According to Dean Schmidt, the Affinity Program Manager for TR Cutler, Inc, “The 90-day campaign will drive traffic to a client's website, and increase product and company awareness, and quantify increased sales. Most manufacturers companies have never conducted an aggressive public relations campaign, this program will allow them to get their feet wet using a very affordable methodology." Manufacturing Associations which have not yet participated in the Manufacturing 2006 Affinity campaign are encouraged to enroll no later than September 1, 2005. Thomas R. CutlerPresident & CEOTR Cutler, Inc.www.trcutlerinc.com954-486-7562/888-902-0300