Please don’t misuse the
New internet marketers are the foundation for tomorrow. Thinking of the bigger picture may lead to less abuse.
Wading through the abundance of apparent online opportunities can be both an exciting and frightening experience for the novice internet marketer. Many jump headlong into the current and are carried away by the hype and blurb of every bonus filled page promising instant wealth and eternal happiness only to quickly realize that they have "yet again" been parted from their hard earned dollars. Having been burned a few times this buyer WILL eventually wise up and tightly bind their purse strings. A case of biting the hand that feeds. Of course,

not all marketers of digital self-help tutorials and software are crooks, but as in every industry, a "bad apple" element exists which can tarnish the field as a whole. Taking advantage of ignorance is an unforgivable and egotistical crime not only against the ethics of internet marketing but contrary to the human code of respect. Within an industry which points the way forward technologically it is a shame that our principles have not evolved at the same pace and to the same level of integrity. Some of the pages I see remind me of a circus act or some hurdy-gurdy sideshow freaks loudly peddling elixirs while rudely shouting sugar-coated unobtainable promises to a naive and gob-smacked audience. This is very worrying indeed. I’ve also seen some relatively new marketers apply these same techniques having learned them from folks which they believe to be "Gurus". After all, if this person (who has presumably made gazillions of bucks from these techniques) says that I should learn and implement these techniques to achieve success…HEY…who am I to argue…. So these new "internet marketers" perpetuate this folly and thus create the next generation and so on ad infinitum…. What needs to be remembered is that these "newbies" are hoping to make a career for themselves and realize that any form of education is going to cost them some form of initial investment both financially, physically and mentally. They don’t mind parting with their money as long as they receive a good quality product and after sales service. Having probably done most of their previous business in the land of "bricks and mortar" it can sometimes be soul-destroying to realize that they have been bamboozled and must battle a faceless entity in order to get a refund. How distressing! Some will run away badly wounded and spread the word of the evils of doing business on the internet. Others will fight the good fight and if they are very lucky find a mentor with integrity to take them by the hand into the pastures of peaceful tranquility but the likelihood of this happening is the same as the likelihood of me giving up hot dogs. Good product, Fair price and a Service second to none should be the ultimate goal. Let the shysters manipulate the unwary from the slimy shadows but ask your self these questions: Do I do business with integrity? How will my behavior affect the industry tomorrow? Sure it's easy to take advantage of the star-filled novice with the rose-colored glasses but the price IS high and the damage often irreparable and just because the majority is doing something doesn’t necessarily make it the right thing to do.