Have you ever been wildly ... in ... you've done? If you haven't, I'm sure you know someone who ... often in the world of home based ... we're supposed to believe that we ca
Have you ever been wildly successful in something you've done? If you haven't, I'm sure you know someone who has.
Quite often in the world of home based businesses, we're supposed to believe that we can duplicate the successes of others. In fact, that's what a large portion of the marketing we see these days is done on.
It appeals to our baser instincts. Regardless of what it appeals to, however, there still lies the problem that we must take whatever software, advice, or program that we've been sold and use it for our success.
Quite often, however, there is one fatal flaw with what we've received -- the person who sold it to you happened upon his success and couldn't duplicate it if you gave him a million dollars!
Now, that's not to say that all programs or systems you might buy into are flawed and won't work. To the contrary, I believe that some of them will work but if you don't spend a little bit of time investigating how will you know for sure?
Quite a few people will throw good money after bad buying program after program hoping that the next one will make them successful. I know I've been guilty of this in the past. Eventually they'll give up in frustration and claim, "This Internet stuff doesn't really work!" Replace "Internet" with whatever the new scheme of the day is and you've got what they're saying to all their friends.
So how do you avoid this problem? It's actually quite simple.
The first thing you need to do is come up with a system. Now, a system is nothing more than a set of processes that you'll follow every time you do a particular process.
For instance, if you clean your kitchen in this order every time you've got a system:
Shut Up and Get to The Point!
The other day I was ... my dinner and about to watch the latest episode of 24 when the phone rang. "No ... I say to myself and quickly pressed the pause button on the Tivo.I glance down anHow to Drive Traffic to Your Website with Traffic Exchanges
The number one problem new website owners have is, "How do I drive targeted traffic to my ... ... amount of time and energy is spent on this single task. A ... will commonly focusDo You Know Who You Are?
A close friend of mine is a coach and has a phrase she uses quite ... - "Be, Do, Have." As Jeanne Sharbuno puts it, you need to do it in this order for you to have success in your life.In fact,