Setting up of website to sell your own products is not as simple as your blog or a personal homepage.Before driving traffic to your site,you must ensure that your site have the appropriate contents and layouts.Else you be seeing your visitors exiting out of our site within seconds.
a) Have a strong and powerful headline. Put yourself in a customer's shoes first. If you are going into this site, would you be attracted by the headline, does it looks convincing and grabbing your curiosity to probe further, if not you'll be seeing them backing out of your site in a few seconds.
b) A brief personal story of yourself. How this product helps and benefits you. How it change your life and how it helps you to financial freedom.
c) Market your products effectively with good write ups, and most importantly valuable contents which the visitor would find it beneficial to them or in another way, helping to solve their problems and giving them a solution. Whether your visitor will buy from you, it will depend on how persuasive your sale letter is.
d) Testimonials and pictures of people who had purchased your products. For good results, 3 or more testimonials will have to be shown.
e) Evidence of earnings or screenshots of your pay check if possible.
f) Good deals/Irresistible offers - What are the "goodies" that you are offering them on purchasing of your product.
g) State the price of your product, and what benefits can the product give them. Never sell the features of your product. Instead sell the benefits of the product. A feature tells you what a product does but benefits tell you what the product can do for you. This is one of the golden rules you must never break.
h) Sense of Urgency - Limited offers/time, prompt your visitors that your offer is only till a limited time in which you might rise up the price or no "goodies" given after the time had pass.
i) Life Time Membership - You won't be cutting away from them even after purchasing your products, instead you will send them new letters, articles, free e-books and any updates on programs/products which you think could be helpful and useful to them in future.
j) Providing free gifts such as e-books/reports/new-letters.
k) Many customers fear of making the wrong decision and buying the wrong product. By imposing a "100 % Money Back Guarantee" for a certain period such as 30 days, or 60 days, this will give your customers more confidence of purchasing your product and thus reducing the risk of them walking away. Unless they are very infuriated with your product, most of them would be too LAZY to go to the trouble and ask for a money back return.
l) Helpdesk or Follow-Up System. By having this, it ensures prospects that they are able to get help easily if they need and this also build up the confidence of them buying your products.m) Honesty - Be stating the facts and truth and not having a ridiculous story. Visitors are clever and they can sense or feel you are lying easily. Honesty builds up your credibility.