Has this ever happened to you in networking events? It definitely happened to me and it has become a huge pet peeve of mine.
I went to a networking event a little while ago with my friend. And a woman approached us, said hi and immediately gave us her business card. She didn't even ask for our names.
Has that ever happened to you?
What a terrible mistake that person made, and what a waste of business cards. When people do that to me, it makes me think that they don't care to learn about me or my business.
They're just interested in making a quick sale.
And that's a big mistake I see people make when it comes to emailing new subscribers. They go straight into the pitch. Desperate to make a sale. But all that does is drive them away. These people don't bother connecting with their readers, or show they can provide some kind of value. They want that instant gratification, and that's why they struggle.
The lesson to this?
Think long-term. Build a relationship with your audience whether they're email subscribers or people you meet at networking events. Treat them like new friends rather than potential customers. When you GENUINELY (And I cannot stress that enough!!) connect with them and form that trust, selling to them becomes a lot easier. And when you do it right, they'll become your life-long supporters.
One of the best ways to build relationships with new readers is to set up an automated welcome sequence. Once they sign up to your list, they'll automatically get valuable emails you pre-wrote and set up.
Also keep in touch with them on a regular basis. Send weekly or even daily valuable emails to them to continue that relationship.
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