If you are working to build an information marketing business online, there is one key piece of the puzzle that everything else builds on – the Irresistible Free Offer (IFO): creating an Irresistible Free Offer helps you build your list of contacts so you have people to markets your goods and services to.
Think about what your ideal clients need most. What problem wakes them up at night with the 3am sweats? What solutions do they crave?
Your IFO can be any of the following formats:
- Free audio program on CD like I have
- Free report
- Free checklist
- Free ebook
- Free assessment
- Free home study program
There are so many types of Irresistible Free Offers to choose from, so pick the one that will best fit your business. Go with your strength and what you feel your ideal clients will most likely want. What’s great about the IFO is that it gives prospects a sample of what you are all about, the services you offer and how you can help them get their needs met.
The next decision for your information marketing business is how you tell people about your IFO. Since people have opted into your marketing funnel by requesting your IFO, you know they are fairly good prospects.
I talk about list building frequently, but here’s a brief refresher with a list of ideas that work great.
- Speaking
- Webinars
- Teleclasses
- Joint Ventures
- Telesummits
- SEO content
- Blogging
- Facebook ads
Some clients choose the list building method for their information marketing business that most appeals to them. Another way is to simply go with the easiest option so you can get started right away.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you haven’t created your IFO yet, it’s time to get started. You can poll some of your current or past clients to get a good feel for what your ideal clients really need. Once you know what information you want to share, select the format (free report, audio on CD, etc.). Then decide how you’ll let people know about it and you are on your way to building a great list for information marketing online.
Attract more clients by authentically living your message
How is your client attraction work going: if you are struggling to bring in new clients, you’ll find this topic helpful.How to extend client relationships with a maintenance package
Do you offer coaching or a service that you know your clients would benefit from once their first package has been completed - maintenance sessions can offer the support that makes the difference between continued success and falling back on old ways.Two simple strategies to creating packages that attract more clients
Creating session packages for some business owners is easy and it’s very obvious how things should work, but, for other owners, they prefer packages that offer more flexibility to attract more clients.