QUOTE: “My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” – Oprah Winfrey
An amazing thing transpired last year during my Mastermind meeting with my clients. While the rest of the country seemed to be gripped in fear of the economy and general uncertainty, my Mastermind clients continued to manifest BIG marketing and business opportunities (and high-paying clients, big paid speaking gigs, etc.), in REAL TIME.
In that Mastermind meeting, we witnessed several examples of INSTANT manifestation, and I asked if there were more to share. “Jane” looked at me, and I saw her eyes well up in tears of joy. She told us that something really big had happened to her in the last 12 hours. Let me give you some background to the story.
“Jane” had been given an assignment at the last live Mastermind meeting: WRITE and FINISH her information product by our next live meeting (that week.) She agreed to have her passive-revenue product all packaged up and ready to sell once we helped her create the marketing plan for it. She’d had 3 months to do it and it was a big task, but she knew that she wanted to get out of the Hours-For-Dollars business model and into one of more passive re-venue, more freedom, working less.
She was deeply ready to generate passive-income using what she already knew as an expert and she was committed to the challenge. She dutifully wrote the home study system, packaged it, and put it in her suitcase, excited to share it with us that week.
Then, serendipity, synchronicity, WHATEVER you want to call it stepped in. The details are somewhat miraculous. Jane was running late for the airport. She rushed to the gate with her carry-on bags and was told that 3 bags were too many to bring on board. She had to consolidate her belongings or miss the flight. Not wanting to miss our meeting, she quickly went through her opened bags, looking for things to leave behind.
The items that were discarded? Hair mousse, a bulky sweater and (it makes me shudder to say this) her brand new HOME STUDY SYSTEM, the one she’d been working on for 3 months. The 3-inch binder simply wouldn’t fit in her consolidated bags. So, she turned to a small crowd of airport bystanders and said “Anyone interested in an information product?” One guy turned around and said “Yeah, I love any kind of information… I’ll take it.”
Fast forward two short days…
Jane checked her home messages. A miracle was unfolding right in front of her eyes. McGraw Hill, the publishing company, had called. Nine times to be exact. Somehow, the home study system she’d written and had to leave at the airport got into the hands of an executive at McGraw Hill and he wanted to talk to her about turning it into a book-book.
Holy Bleep! Jane instantly was on her way to becoming an EXPERT in her industry, and in the world of business. An accident? No. It was a miracle, divinely brought to her.
When Jane told us the story that day, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. We were incredulous… Well, I wasn’t really. You see, I believe in miracles in business. I believe that Jane had prepared herself and made herself available for a miracle. With the support and urging of this high-level mastermind, she changed her mindset from working hours-for-dollars, created a solution for passive and leveraged income, organized the information, wrote the book and was ready to present it to us (and clearly, the Universe too) in a matter of 3 months. Then, an unexpected miracle happened. (Well, aren’t ALL miracles unexpected?)
A random guy at the airport? You couldn’t make up an unlikelier set of circumstances. Here’s the lesson we took away: Miracles do happen in Client Attraction. Your capability of achieving really big things is WAY beyond your capacity to imagine them. That being said, you need do a series of things to set yourself up for something BIG in your life:
You see, the more you say yes to the opportunities that show up, especially the bizarre, unexpected ones, the more opportunities actually show up. What I’ve come to understand is that we’re not alone in building our businesses. We are supported all the time, and it’s not always visible to the naked eye. The only thing to do is follow the signs, take the next right action (the one that feels right), trust and wait for the next sign.
It’s almost like playing the Scavenger Hunt of Life (and Client Attraction). You won’t receive your second clue until you complete the first assignment. Continue to be a curious observer, awaiting the next surprise that shows up. If you were shown the WHOLE picture of how big you are meant to be, you would probably freak out and head straight for the covers, not believing you would be able to handle all the success.
That’s why it’s revealed to you little by little, in manageable, bite-sized pieces or clues. You are being guided, more so than you think. Your job is to look for the signs, not question them when they come, and then ACT on them.
Your Client Attraction Assignment:
Marianne Williamson wrote in A Return To Love: “It never occurred to me to ask for a miracle… I didn’t know that a miracle was a reasonable thing to ask for.” Next time you question your ability of achieving REALLY big things in your business and in your life, follow the formula I gave you. Once you do this, you set yourself up for a full practice of ideal, high-paying clients, more in-come, and more freedom all around. It’s miraculous how good life can be being self-employed. (Believe me, I’m living it daily.)
That said, I want to warn you about people who sit on their couch and just wait and wait for miracles every day, without taking ANY marketing action. Notice that Jane had written her product. That was a pre-requisite for her miracle. In fact, I don’t know ANYONE who is super-successful who hasn’t mastered certain Client Attraction principles. If that’s what you’re weak on, let’s face it, you’ll never have a full practice UNLESS you learn and apply a simple step-by-step Client Attraction system that will feel easy and authentic to you.
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