TR Cutler Profiles TechSolve in November Industrial Connection
November Industrial Connection Profiles TechSolve by TR Cutler
According to Cutler,

TechSolve serves to help manufacturers eliminate waste and increase productivity. For the JDAM Project, TechSolve is assisting the U.S. Department of Defense and The Boeing Company to accelerate the manufacture of kits that turn "dumb bombs" into "smart bombs." TechSolve is providing lean manufacturing expertise in a strategic supply chain initiative. The kits convert existing unguided warheads into smart bombs, which are known for their accuracy and reliability. The Pentagon awarded Boeing a contract for additional bomb kits to increase production. The kits are considered cost-effective when compared to other weapons such as the Tomahawk cruise missile.
Thomas R. Cutler profiles TechSolve in the November issue of Industrial Connection, the leading regional manufacturing publication of the Southeastern United States. The National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP) awarded a 12-month contract to TechSolve to develop and coordinate the implementation of a national account services strategy. TechSolve established a system that provides seamless delivery of comprehensive assistance to manufacturers that require support in more than one state. The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Project serves as an example to illustrate the effectiveness of TechSolve ( for manufacturers nationwide.
Twenty-two suppliers provide the components of the kit; there is only one supplier for each of the components of the JDAM bomb. TechSolve currently works with nine of these suppliers to speed production of the kit components. The nine suppliers are located in seven different States and final assembly of the kits occurs at Boeing's Integrated Defense Systems assembly facility, which produces guidance systems. In working with the nine suppliers, TechSolve faced three major challenges:
1. Increasing capacity;
2. Improving on-time delivery rates; and
3. Improving the quality of products.
Cutler is ranked as the nation's leading manufacturing journalist by the Manufacturing Media Consortium. This is a group of more than 2000 journalists worldwide writing about trends, data, case studies, profiles, and features in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Cutler worked with hundreds of media outlets to expand the coverage and importance of the manufacturing media coverage. Cutler has authored more than 1000 articles for a wide range of manufacturing, industrial, and business journals, dailies, and month trade B2B publications. Cutler also authored the best-selling Manufacturers' Public Relations & Media Guide.
Rodger Roeser
513-388-4700 x 3012