Ask any online business owner or Internet marketer what is the most vital ingredient to a webpage's success and they will tell you exactly the same thing, Traffic simply is the single and most important thing a website can have, it is the oxygen that keeps it alive and breathing. Having none or very little visitors will cut its lifespan and your profits will suffer as a result. For instance, you would not like to own a shop in a street that people rarely walk along because it just means no visitors.
Do you dream of or currently have a business online? Well either way there is one thing that will determine the success of that website and a skill the owner must master to make it a massive success. The secret is gaining traffic and lots of it. If you had a shop, cafe or any kind of traditional business it would make sense to put it in front of a steady stream of people with the likelihood that someone will come in to purchase one of your products. The Internet works in very much the same way.
There are two types of traffic that you can use to bring visitors to your website which are paid and free. They are different for the obvious reasons in there description but you get the idea.
I thought I would give you a couple of tips to get some free no cost visitors to your chosen website which can put some money on your bottom line!
The first is blogging.
You may or may not know this method but it really is a great way to get a lot of traffic for free. It is very important to set a blog that is educational and informative to encourage visitors to keep coming back for more. You can check out my Yournetbiz blog as an example.
Giving away a free course, guide or e-book will add a great deal of value to your site. This will give your readers and subscribers an added incentive to come back to your site on many occasions.
The popularity and amount of visitors that your blog receives depends on the content that you provide. Relevant high quality writing with good information will always encourage a visitor to come back on a regular basis. You could also add an email capture form to get the email address from the blog visitor. This way you can keep in constant contact and announce future updates or services.
Most search engines love blogs and this is to your benefit. You can get a very high placement with a well organised and optimised site creating a good deal of free traffic for whatever you want to promote so take full advantage.
Wordpress and Blogger are two great places to get your first site up and running for free!
Forums are my next topic!
These are great places to get a yourself recognised as an authority in your field and also a fantastic way to get free visitors to your website. If you search a niche and forum in the search engine box, plenty will come up. Now read a few posts and start to engage and educate the members by answering their problems or queries. You will gain a certain degree of respect and become an expert in the subject of your choice.
Never advertise on these types of websites because it is simply not aloud. They are for information and entertainment only and you will get suspended or deleted. The way that you can get your website some attention though is to put a link in your signature file. This way if you have built up a good reputation people will like what you say. Therefore they will click on this link to check out more about you and what you have to offer.
These are two of the many methods of driving traffic to a website but they are quick and easy enough to start today!
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