As your business adds more and more customers,

make sure you collect some basic information about them, such as their mailing address. That way, you can send out greeting cards to your customers. Greeting cards can be a great way to entice these customers to come back to you for more business. And there is nothing better than a loyal customer, right?
Here are some tips to remember the next time you print greeting cards:
1. Plan Ahead
Not only do you have to continually collect information from your customers, but you need to plan your greeting card campaign, too. Plan ahead to make sure you can cover the cost for materials and postage and any other costs that come up. And make sure you get the cards out soon enough to arrive on time.
2. Shop Around
Decide what kind of greeting card you want to send to your customers, and shop around for that type. Try to find the most cost effective way to send a great message. There are many options out there, so take the time to find the right fit for you.
3. Use Greeting Card Etiquette
Even if something does not sound offensive to you, it might to someone else. Be scrupulously clean when it comes to your greeting cards. Be careful not to say anything that might offend anyone. It is a good idea to try out your greeting card idea on others before you actually print greeting cards, to get an idea of how it will go over.
4. Personalize Your Cards
Include handwritten notes on the greeting cards that you send out. You do not have to have totally handwritten cards, just a small, personalized note on each one. This little detail can have a profound effect on your cards’ effectiveness.
5. Have the Whole Company Help
If you have employees, have them all sign the cards. Obviously, this isn’t an option if you are sending out thousands of cards. But, most likely, you are not. So have the whole team sign the cards you send out. This is a fabulous little touch that many people will really enjoy.
6. Handwrite the Address
Even if you do not write handwritten notes inside the card, or have your whole team sign it, you should definitely take the time to handwrite all of the envelopes. People do not like getting mail that looks too professional. Make it more personal by handwriting the recipient’s address on the envelope.
7. Use Snail Mail
You might be tempted to save money by sending an email greeting card, but don’t bother. They are just not nearly as effective as a real paper greeting card. Take the time to make real cards, and write out the addresses, and send them the old fashioned way. It will pay off for you in the end.