Finding Your Perfect Pitch: Understanding and Utilizing the Right Voice for Your Audience

Jan 2


Bob McElwain

Bob McElwain

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In the ever-evolving American social landscape, a significant shift has occurred. For the first time, a large portion of older citizens have substantial discretionary income. Meanwhile, among younger families, dual-income households have become the norm, leaving many with limited discretionary income. This change in demographics and financial dynamics necessitates a shift in how we communicate with different groups.

The Importance of Tailored Communication

It's crucial to understand that you can't communicate with Generation X and senior citizens in the same manner. This approach is doomed to fail due to the differing value structures and attitudes between these groups. Moreover,Finding Your Perfect Pitch: Understanding and Utilizing the Right Voice for Your Audience Articles their responses to stimuli vary significantly.

Most purchasing decisions are made based on emotions, which are later rationalized with logic. On a website, the emotional response that triggers the buying decision is often elicited by the sales presentation. This underscores the importance of knowing your audience intimately, understanding their values, attitudes, goals, and what motivates them to make a purchase.

The Power of Voice

Consider the different voices used in various genres of literature - a Western novel, a thriller, a mystery, or a romance. Authors often grapple with finding the right voice for their work.

The term 'voice' encompasses style, imagery, emotional triggers that resonate with the reader, vocabulary selection, and even sentence length. Essentially, anything that helps convey a specific tone or feeling is part of the voice.

As previously mentioned, the voice that resonates with Generation X may not be suitable for seniors, and vice versa.

The Pitfalls of Off-Target Input

Feedback from off-target visitors can be misleading. If you receive enough of this type of input, you might be tempted to introduce a new product to capitalize on the perceived interest. However, this broadens your focus instead of narrowing it, which is a strategic misstep.

Moreover, the off-target product may seem out of place to your targeted visitors, potentially driving them away. If you discover something that appeals to a significant off-target group, consider creating a separate site entirely dedicated to this newly identified demographic.

The Value of a Target Within a Target

Let's say you've decided to target senior citizens and have a good understanding of their beliefs and motivations. You can communicate with them effectively using an appropriate voice. However, it can be beneficial to further narrow down your target audience.

For instance, among seniors, there are college graduates, self-educated individuals, business owners, managers, employees, and those who never held high-paying jobs. Many women in this demographic may prioritize family above all else.

If you can identify a subset within the senior demographic, the appropriate voice may differ significantly from what's needed for another subset. Adjust your communication style accordingly.

Generation X vs. Seniors

While the senior market may be more profitable, if you're a member of Generation X, it might be best to focus on a subset of your own generation. This is because you inherently understand their values and attitudes, making it easier for you to find the right voice to connect with them. Seniors, on the other hand, may disregard your message unless you can adopt their values, attitudes, and an appropriate voice.

Ensure that your newsletters, site content, and sales presentations are as specific as possible to your target audience. Continually strive to narrow down this target even further. While off-target visitors may make purchases, this doesn't suggest that you should broaden your target audience or change your voice to accommodate them.