Your business depends on the success of your marketing efforts. If your marketing works, you’ll get rich. If it doesn’t you’ll go broke. It’s simple.
The key to pursuading your customers is knowing them. You have to understand theminside and out. While I don’t pretend to know your market as well as you do, there are a few things every customer wants.
Your customers want a good deal. Sounds like a no-brainer but there’s a lot that goes into this.
The rate you get for your client should be as low as you can get it. The program you sell them should be the best fit for their unique situation. And the fees you charge should be reasonable and fair.
But there’s more to a good deal than this. Your client should walk away feeling like they got a good deal. This is vital to your referral marketing efforts.
Your prospect wants the process to be stress-less. This is a tough one. Buying or refinancing your home is a big deal. Do everything you can to make it as easy and hassle–free as possible.
Keep your client fully informed and be sure they understand their choices. Don’t overwhelm them with paperwork or jargon. Be polite, punctual and honest.
These things sound simple. And they are. But you can never hear them often enough. Your sales depend on them. The best marketing in the world can’t help you if you make the loan process unpleasant for your clients.
To Your Prosperity
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