What's In A Plumber's Card? The Elements Of An Effective Plumbing Business Card
What makes a plumbing business card really effective? Is it the polished look or the sylish design? Is it the offer of discounts or the assurance of reliability? Find out what people would like to see on a plumber's business cards.
How do you make a good plumbing business card? Should it have a swanky look,

an eye-catching design or a pulled-together finish? Truth is, a plumbing business card could do with or without these fancy elements. For a card to be truly powerful, it needs to have the most important element: your plumbing business card should appeal to the basic need of the customer.Now don't get the wrong impression here. I'm not saying that just any look will do, or that you shouldn't pay any attention to the style and design at all. On the contrary, how you present yourself and your plumbing services still counts for a lot, and is actually the first thing that catches the eye of the customer. Assuming you've already got an individual's attention, what would they find on your card? They shouldn't be simply treated to a jaw-dropping display of creativity. The information included should be the one to hold their attention now. Don't get too concerned that you wouldn't have the perfect card design and forget the actual words that will generate interest in your plumbing service. Even the most professional-looking cards will only go as far as how well the services are presented.Promoting your plumbing business effectively through a business card is challenging, but not impossible. Here are three tips that will help you establish yourself to prospective homeowners as a reliable and skilled plumber. The first element that should go into your business card is its presentable look. Even if you have the most convincing words written on your card, no one would bother to take a look at it in the first place if you just print your sales pitch on a piece of paper and then cut it out to business card size. You don't have to have an award-winning design on your hands, but it should look good enough to win you the interest of the customers.Next, take time in choosing the font. It should be readable and at the right size. Some think that mixing up different fonts in a single card is cool but it only serves to leave a haphazard look. Adding a personal and handwritten note somewhere within or at the back of the card is a good gesture but crossing out phone numbers or addresses that have been changed is a no-no. Have a new batch printed.Lastly, choose your words carefully. Remember that you will have to fit your pitch in a 2.5" by 3.25" piece of paper so every word has to count. Aside from the basic information, you'd also customers to know what edge your plumbing service has over other providers, such as 24-hour on call service or guaranteed work. A good plumbing business card shouldn't be all about you; it should be also about what the customer needs. While it's important that people love your card, it's more imperative that the card makes them think of calling you when faced with a plumbing crisis.Boost your marketing tactics and get ahead of the competition! Visit us to get 250 FREE plumbing business cards to get a move on your promotional efforts. We also offer creative marketing tips to get the most out of your plumber business cards.