You can increase your marketing exposure effortlessly by placing your ad on free stuff, then allow other people togive it away. The more people that give away your free stuff the more your ad will be seen.
Most free stuff can be created easily and without little or no expense. Electronic freebies are perfect because with these types of freebies there's no shipping or physical material costs.
Below are some popular types of electronic freebies.
Free e-Coupons/e-Gift Certificates-Give your visitors free electronic coupons and gift certificates for your productsor services.
Free e-Books-Give your visitors a free electronic book. The e-book should be related to your web site theme.
Free e-Reports-Give your visitors free electronic reports. The reports could be in autoresponder form or in text format.
Free e-Courses-Give your visitors a free electronic courses. They could e-mail your follow-up autoresponder and besent a lesson each day.
Free Software-Give your visitors free software. It could be a game or a useful utility. Just have them download itright from your web site.
Free Online Services/Utilities-Give your visitors free online services or utilities. They should be ready to use right from your web site.
In conclusion, when you use this marketing strategy it will quickly spread your advertising all over the internet.
Multiply Your Links
I feel the most ... way to get people to link to your web site is by offering web masters the option of giving away your free stuff. In ... they link to your web site. Why would other webIf You Build It, They Will Come...
...No they won't. On the web, building a web site is not enough. If there are no links to the site anywhere, no-one is going to visit it. The site won't even be listed in any of the search engines without some incoming links. To get traffic, you will need to do some promotion.Endorsement Marketing Secrets
Endorsement marketing is having famous or reputable people recommend your product or service to others. They could be celebrities, star athletes, musicians, etc. Choose people thatare related to your business and might actually use your product or service.