Feng-Shui for Business and Office Applying Feng-Shui technics to improve your career.
Feng-Shui in your place of business is as important as in your home. The most important determinant is to try to protect your back from either an open door, other desk or a window. Try to place your desk in a commanding position, but not aiming at colleagues because this could create an unconscious feeling of hostility.
The area around your immediate work space should be neat and free from clutter. Especially at floor level it is helpful to group together wires to that they don’t create a mass of crossed and conflicting energies.
“Desk clutter” might be near impossible to avoid, but you should try to guard against semipermanent piles of paper. Try to sort through it at least once every few days. Any pile of paper that is consistently ignored will accumulate a negative chi.
If you have an office to yourself, you have the opportunity to work in the northern sector to enhance your career or the south east sector to enhance your wealth. Try to avoid sharp angled desk lights. A curved neck banker’s lamp is better. Book cases should be kept neat or be cover by doors to avoid cutting Sha,
The attractiveness of the entrance to the place of business cannot be over -stressed. The reception area just inside the door should be welcoming and free of clutter.
Obviously for a business the southeast sector, the wealth sector, is the relevant one. Here the element is wood, and wood is produced by water. A fountain, a fish tank or pond placed in this sector will improve the wealth potential of the business.
If you Don’t have much control over office decor there are still effective changes you can make at home.
For career advancement, first analyze the external influences on the northern side of your home. Check all windows facing this direction for visible secret arrows. Any invisible “secret arrows”which are screened off so you cannot see them, have no effect.
If improving your career is your goal, then plan to stimulate the northern sector identified with water. What produces water? Metal. A suitable metal Chi enhancer is a hollow, metal wind chime placed in this sector. Do not over emphasize the earth element in the norther sector by use of crystals or other earth-oriented items. The color of this sector is dark blue or black. Adding a blue light in this sector is helpful. A fish tank directly symbolizing water is also good, but you should choose blue or black fish, avoiding red or gold fish.
Do not place plants in the northern sector at home nor work as they will sap the vitality of water in this sector
Applying these Feng-Shui principles will enhance your career opportunities, prosperity and luck.
Mrs. Lynn is a Feng-Shui consultant with more than 25 years’ experience
For more information visit http://www.asklynn.net