TAKE WINGS AND FLYBy Sheree ... I receive several emails a day from people all over the world who are suddenly full of intense and creative energy. Many others are just plain pooped
By Sheree Rainbolt-Kren
I receive several emails a day from people all over the world who
are suddenly full of intense and creative energy. Many others
are just plain pooped and want to know why and what to do about
it. Some are experiencing extreme highs and lows each day.
As many have already recognized, the world we live in and
experience daily has been morphing. For those unprepared, this
process is a radical change and often frightening. For some,
these earth changes are creating emotional highs and lows too
intense to keep up with. For those that readily accept these
changes as necessary, miraculous and beautiful, the experience of
a higher creative life brings a giant waterfall of new ideas and
intense energy, sometimes followed by huge let downs of
exhaustion. Resistance to Love is not in our best interest at
this time.
Some of us start a new project each new day, only to see it
evaporate the following day. Some of us keep ourselves so busy,
we forget what day it is. The thought of any downtime is scary.
It feels like our brains are on overdrive! In truth, it is the
real Universe unfolding right before our willing eyes. But,
without our real effort to align with this unfolding, we will
experience some deep and intense growing pains. Everything we are
faced with can be learned through either joy, or pain.
Unconditional Love will guide us home. Divine Source extends
his/her hand outward each and every day.
There are some very useful things you can do to help yourself
during these changing times. In the end, it requires acceptance
and deep appreciation of a new and brighter way on the planet.
This is not just a catchy phrase. It is the path to joyful living
as we journey home together.
If you are experiencing unmanageable energy, and/or deep and
troubling issues in your life right now, you are not alone. This
is to be expected as you are being faced with yourself. The time
has come to let go of the past, and our worn out perceptions. We
will indeed be troubled for so long as we hold tight to outdated
thought forms that do not align with the truth of what we are. We
are love, and the time has come to know and experience Love to
the core of our being. It is not a matter of IF we will evolve,
for this has already occurred. You are Light already. There has
never been a time when you were not what you were created to be.
Perfect love is not negotiable or changeable in truth. Your job
now is to remember your Self. Remember that you never really
separated from Source. It never happened. We only *imagine* it
did. Our guilt and shame for believing that Source could in fact
burst into tiny scattered pieces of human flesh, exiled us into
hiding. We did this to ourselves. Our God, who loves us
endlessly, without condition, has been preparing for our
homecoming. Our task now is remember Source, through your joyful
expression of thought word and action in the here and now. Our
task is to take the inward journey home. Home is not a far away
place in the sky. Heaven is a state of being.
I fully recognize that many faiths do not subscribe to this idea.
That is fine. If it feels better to believe in a judgemental and
punishing God, so be it. I simply ask some consideration that God
is nothing but endless Love, and so are you. But, the choice is
yours. And your life experience will reflect the choice you make.
This much is certain.
The planet, and the people on it, are evolving because the call
for Love has been heard by enough awakened souls. The vibration
of Love is the highest vibration in existence. For every willing
soul ready to walk in peace on the planet, heaven adds a million
rays of light. All solid matter is shifting to make more room for
the light.
Here are some things you might try to balance your energy now:
Dedicate a half an hour each day to Self Reiki. Self Reiki at
bedtime is very helpful. This helps to reset from the day, and
send you off to restful sleep which is critical if you are
experiencing highs and lows, or a constant flow of either. We all
know the powerful healing force in deep sleep. A regular good
night's sleep will go a long way in easing the transition.
Dedicate to journal in the mornings. This helps you to slow down,
breathe, focus for the day, and coolly energizes the ideas that
flow in.
Spend time in prayer and/or meditation every day. You have many
Angels with you, guiding you, and reminding you to balance. We
don't always listen, but they are there to help.
Breathe, breathe, breathe. Stop several times during the day to
get oxygen to your brain and heart. It is amazing how much more
effective energy you will have. Use this time to again center
yourself and invite Source to lead. Fresh air and sunshine is
also an important element in these times.
Remove yourself from any anxiety, and consciously choose to
observe yourself from a higher perspective. Always ask yourself,
"What am I afraid will happen?" Then, with grace, forgive
yourself for any and all mistakes you believe you have made. When
your emotional body is in turmoil, it usually means you have made
the decision to see the world, and someone in it, as your enemy.
Living on this level of perception will not bring you peace.
There is higher ground. Never lose sight of the truth of your
brother, so you will not lose sight of yourself.
(self explanatory)
If you use these methods to help yourself balance, and call upon
Source to assist you, you will experience peace and calm, without
losing the creative energy that is flooding in right now for us
all to tap.
We are on the brink of a most magnificent heart opening. There
are millions of people who have already entered this opening. You
know who they are, because you once experienced a love so deep.
The memories, while hidden, are part of us. When you interact
with the ones who know the truth; that Hell is our own daily
creation, that a perfect God loves us all no matter what we have
ever said, or done, and loves all living things equally, you will
remember that ancient moment when you were created from
unconditional love and perfection. This will change your life,
and it will be impossible to look back. Not a matter of IF this
will happen, but when. Mother Earth is changing, with or without
you. Now would be the time to take wings and fly my friend.
May our journey home together be loving.
Love, Sheree
Online Spiritual E-Eoach