A Look at the Top 10 MLM Companies
It is very difficult to rank who among the successful multi-level marketing MLM companies that exist today is the top 10 simply because there are a lot of factors to consider aside from the revenue that they generate annually. Two similar surveys for example would yield different results on who is at the top of the MLM companies' industry. But overall, the best companies can be found when you rank them because their dissimilarities would differ in just a few places.
Two similar surveys for example would yield different results on who is at the top of the MLM companies' industry. But overall,

the best companies can be found when you rank them because their dissimilarities would differ in just a few places.The perceived largest MLM company worldwide is Avon, Inc. which has a worldwide reach with sales reaching almost 8 billion dollars annually. Avon also claims the title of having the most number of distributors and the one of the most trusted brand found in three continents. In addition to this, their international reach covers more than a hundred countries. Avon is also an advocate for issues that affects women worldwide. As a result, they build a well-liked brand that whose patronage is continually expanding because of their social responsibility. The second placer is Mary Kay Cosmetics. If you would notice, both these companies have beauty products as their main product line and they regularly update their product offerings through research and development to sustain their growth. In addition to this, they have loyal patrons who continually buy their products and even their distributors themselves use what they offer. Other MLM companies found in the top 10 include Arbonne International, Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Herbalife International, Kirby, Quixtar, Creative Memories, and Melaleuca. Of course, these rankings do vary when you consider other factors like popularity, members, and revenues. But basically, the top 10 up to the top 25 MLM companies usually remain constant with one or two new companies only showing up now and then. Other popular MLM companies include, Amway, Xango, Usana, Party Lite, Longaberger, Nikken, Amsoil, and Stampin Up. These MLM companies are bound to show up in the top 10 in the future if the industry leaders don't continually improve their operations because in MLM companies, your business is heavily dependent on your distributors that usually pay for their membership.Other companies to watch out for in the future include Prepaid Legal, Tastefully Simple, Nuskin, Ameriplan, Mia Bella, Southern Living at Home, and Passion Parties. MLM companies typically focus on the essential everyday things as their product line. As a result, they can continue to expect sales month after month from the people who are satisfies with their products. In addition, because the top 10 MLM companies have distributors that have personal relationships with their clients, the clients have developed trust in their company even at the start. They also want to help their friend earn extra income and buying from their friends while enjoying great products is a win-win situation.You've probably already noticed that the top MLM companies are heavily dependent on women both as their distributors and as their target market. A lot of research went into this and women are the ones who usually like to socialize with their girl friends. They also openly talk about the products that they use and endorse the products that do work. After realizing this, MLM companies know that the key to their success is keeping women happy with their products and the opportunities that they offer. Being in the top 10 MLM companies requires dedication on the part of the company and its members. And being on the top 10 is a great achievement in this field that requires commitment on the part of millions of members.