Attract More Downlines Using Free Report Give Away

Feb 6


Jaz Lai

Jaz Lai

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It is more blessed to give than to receive. If you want to get lots of leads for your network marketing, you can give away a free report and build a relationship with them.

One of the biggest reasons why it is so effective is that you get to send them emails over and over again. But when I say sending emails,Attract More Downlines Using Free Report Give Away Articles I don’t mean spamming. Rather, you have placed them in your newsletter where you get to keep in touch with them regularly. You get to do a lot of follow ups with them - and you can do all this on autopilot, using scheduled mailings and settings on your autoresponder.

Here are a few useful tips on how you can craft your free report and get people to opt in to your newsletter.

•    Find your target market. If you are giving away a free report about your network marketing product, make sure you target the right people. For example, if you are targeting people who are having energy problems, you can write a report that teaches you how to get more energy using Vitamin B complex.
•    Write a report that contains useful information regarding your network marketing business opportunity or your network marketing product.
•    CONSTANTLY DRIVE TRAFFIC! This is one of the most neglected steps when it comes to giving away free reports. Since you’ve already created a free report, make sure you drive more traffic.
•    Write a powerful squeeze page. Make sure your squeeze page is benefit driven and it conveys the information to your prospects.
•    Make sure your squeeze page contains a compelling headline as well. Check with your network marketing upline or your company on what the psychological triggers are for your target market.
•    Look for sources that you can drive traffic – article marketing and classified advertising is particularly effective because you can use your bio box or squeeze page URL to capture leads.
•    Make sure your follow up emails contains useful information as well.

Remember, your goal is to build a solid relationship with your prospects. Don’t focus too much on selling your business – your free report should be education driven, not sales driven. You can leave a link at the end of your free report – to soft sell your main network marketing product as well.